Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 365! My challenge is complete!

Photo by Roxana Ireland!

Creating The Earth diet was a declaration to my self that I would eat only foods that provided me with nutritional value provided naturally from the earth for 365 days.

Why I started: To empower myself and others in choosing what we put in our mouths. I was certain that I wanted to be healthy and eat only healthy foods and then I would slip up and pig out on junk food. It happened so quickly and then all of a sudden I felt tired, sluggish and low. I was keeping the very thing I despised about myself alive by repeating this behaviour over and over again. I had enough of this and wanted to break the vicious cycle and so created something that would become bigger than me - The Earth Diet.

Inspiration: You. The readers holding me accountable of completing the challenge!

What I got from The Earth diet challenge:

  • Free of guilt. Previous to The Earth diet I had a habit of eating foods and feeling guilty about it after wards. Insane. I thought if I changed what I ate perhaps I wouldn't feel guilty. And I didn't for a while. And then it came back and I learned that if I didn't tackle or recognize the structure in my mind for what it is then I would always believe that the answer to solving this question lies in the realm of content - or my escape to food.

  • Free of bingeing. I would binge on junk food knowing it provided me with no nutrtional value what so ever. This is an example of my mind having me, instead of me having it. The little voice would talk, I would identify with it and do the action it called for.
  • I learned to be present in a state of acceptance.

  • I learned that anything is possible with health and that an abundance of health is always available to me, and everyone!

  • I gave up sugar, soy, dairy, and eating any foods with chemicals, preservatives or any artificial lab created product!
  • I learned to eat foods to live, only to provide my body with nutrition and to support it's existence.

  • This commitment to my health showed up in all areas of my life, in relationships, in career, in fiances. I experienced being my word and a unstoppable force.
  • I learned not to eat to escape, as there is no escape in food, just illusion.
  • I learned that nothing out there will ever satisfy me except temporarily and superficially, and that I needed to experience many disappointments and sluggish experiences before I realized that truth.

  • Weight dropped effortlessly.

  • I chose my body fully and enjoyed being in my own body instead of wanting to get elsewhere, instead of wanting to be in someone else's body

  • I learned the earth really does really provide us with everything we need

  • Previously I thought I would 'someday' get the ideal health and body I wanted. I learned that it is here and now.

  • I experienced more energy than I ever had physically and mentally

  • Cellulite disappeared

  • I also learned natural alternatives for skin care like coconut oil for moisturizer, bentonite clay for face masks and removing toxins like cellulite, lemon for deodorant and more!

  • Previous to The Earth diet I was obsessed with food, consumed by it, thinking about it, focusing on it. After eating foods that the earth naturally provides for a year I learned to trust them, allow the foods to do their job in my body and I was left with more energy to put in other areas of my life.

  • I shifted my body from acidic to alkaline - a state in which no illness or disease can survive.

  • I learned how to simplify my lifestyle and to live a sustainable life one earth

  • I created The Earth diet brand - making raw & organic foods that are now available at Big Al's Family Fitness and Farmers Markets in New York.

  • Excited that I can eat chocolate every day - real & authentic chocolate that is!

  • I learned how to make my own real chocolate from the cacao bean! Sugar free, dairy free, soy free, artificial anything free!

  • That is is simple to live a chemical free lifestyle

  • My skin became the clearest and smoothest it has ever been

  • My body naturally craved fruits instead of artificial sugars

  • It became easy and was no longer a challenge to not eat the fast food, the chocolate and sweets that I did previously

  • That I do not miss eating junk foods, and the artificial sugars I ate previously, especially the sluggish feeling after eating them!

  • I learned how to make natural alternatives to my favourite foods like pizza, chips, sweets, chocolate, ice cream, cheese cakes & pasta! (Recipes here)

  • I learned how to create my own recipes which I share with you guys on the website.

    What now?
  • The Earth diet continues to grow and expand. Other people from across the globe have also taken on the challenge for themselves and every 9 days we offer a community challenge for anyone to join that comes with weekly recipe plans where you choose your meals from many options. Everyone can participate - meat lovers, sweet lovers, vegans, vegetarians, fruitarians.

  • The Earth diet blog will continue - with posting blogs of requests from the community. To request a blog click here.

  • I will continue with The Earth diet as it is no longer a challenge for me, but a way of being, a lifestyle transformation that I don't even consider nor like the idea of going back to my previous eating habits.

  • The Earth diet chocolate balls, raw lasagna, raw zucchini pasta pesto & more are available in New York at Big Al's Family Fitness, The Farmers Markets and through distributor 'Health By Nature' call 516 353 1993.

  • I will host more Raw food & chocolate ball demonstrations in New York & Australia.

  • The Earth diet book is in the process of completion which will be a guide to eating foods naturally provided by the earth in today's world. It will also contain all recipes, including & cleansing and detoxifying recipes.

  • The Earth diet website will constantly be updated with new information & events

  • Meet the Earth diet team - I will introduce you to the people who are behind The Earth diet!
Your next Earth Diet Challenge begins today Thursday 11th of November!

Quotes: Choose your thoughts carefully ... you are a masterpiece of your life.

What I Ate Today:

Meal 1: A water with a squeeze of lemon.

Meal 2: A beet (beetroot), carrot, celery & ginger juice.

Meal 3: Some pineapple.

Meal 4: Rice and beans :) Created with red onion, green pepper, pinto beans, brown rice, tomatoes, cumin, chili, coriander (cilantro), avocado & lime!

Meal 5: An avocado with a squeeze of lemon juice and a sprinkle of hemp seeds :)

Meal 6: Raw Chocolate Brownie with almond butter :) Created with almonds, walnuts, cacao powder, coconut oil, dates & vanilla.

Meal 7: A raw taco! With some rice & beans as filling left over from lunch. Created with flaxsees, sunflower seeds, poppy seeds, onion, garlic, avocado, lime, tomato, cashews, pine nuts, & fresh herbs!

Recipe: Recipes will be published in The Earth diet book are available free on The Earth Diet website www.TheEarthDiet.Org

Exercise: A 1 hour workout at Big Al's Family Fitness! And a stretch in the sauna :)

Days left: Complete!

Day 364

Thoughts: The 7 most read Earth Diet articles...

1. Blog Day 206
Water. Things you wanted to know about water but didn't know who to ask.

2. Day 360
Natural Calcium Bentonite Clay. I call it Healing Clay - a natural alternative for cleansing the skin and body :)

3. Day 234
How to grow your own avocado tree!

4. Day 155
THINNESS is the state of that individual, the muscular frame of whom is not filled up by strength, and who exhibits all angles of the long scaffolding.

5. Day 329
Food for thought. Some objective information about other occupants on earth: and how similar we are to insects and animals - like a horse who will eat themselves to death given the chance, there are also people on this planet who eat themselves to death.

6. Day 327
Death by Sugar. This article was written by a beautiful friend of mine Elisha Yarrington who writes a blog Mind Body Spirit! Sugar is by far one of the most addictive substances.

7. Day 241
Safe Sex on The Earth Diet. Most would say safe sex is one of the healthiest things you can do. It is nature, and it feels good and you burn calories! So is there a healthy way to have safe sex? What is the healthiest way to have sex?

Your next Earth Diet Challenge begins next Thursday 11th of November!

Quotes: Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?
Sun Tzu

What I Ate Today:

Meal 1: A orange and grapefruit juice with strawberries :)

Meal 2: Blueberry Kiwi Pancakes with Raspberry Sauce.Created with cashews, oats, buckwheat flour, water, raspberries, kiwi fruit, blueberries, orange juice, and honey or agave if desired!

Meal 3: An avocado with hemp seeds.

Meal 4: Raw Chocolate Mint Pie. Created with almonds, dates, cacao, vanilla, cahsews, mint, agave, himalayan salt, coconut oil and cacao butter!

Meal 5: Garlic Prawn (Shrimp) Salad. Created with olive oil, garlic, lime, baby spinach and prawns (shrimp)!

Meal 6: Some sweet pineapple :)

Recipe:All recipes will be published in The Earth diet book and are available free on The Earth Diet website www.TheEarthDiet.Org

Exercise: Walking, a light jog, moving :)

1 day to go!!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 363

Thoughts: Guilt has more calories than food.

Previous to The Earth diet I had a habit of eating foods and feeling guilty about it after wards. Insane. I was certain that I wanted to be healthy and eat only healthy foods and then I would slip up and pig out on junk food. It happened so quickly and then all of a sudden I felt tired, sluggish and low. I was keeping the very thing I despised about myself alive by repeating this behaviour over and over again. This is an example of my mind having me, instead of me having it. The little voice would talk, I would identify with it and do the action it called for. This is an example of the disease of the human condition.

Eckhart Tolle explains, "Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry — all forms of fear — are cause by too much future, and not enough presence. Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness, and all forms of nonforgiveness are caused by too much past, and not enough presence". The only way I knew how to deal with what I just did was to feel guilty about it, and how that somehow made it ok that I would do it. 'Well totally pig out but make sure you feel guilty about it afterwards, for you can't just do that and feel good about it' would be the conversation in my head. Creating a 'guilty' experience allowed me to feel ok with what I just did and that I could repeat it over and over again.

Creating The Earth diet was a declaration to my self that I would eat only foods that provided me with nutritional value provided naturally from the earth for 365 days. I learned to digest the guilt by being present in a state of acceptance. "Wherever you are, be there totally. If you find your here and now intolerable and it makes you unhappy, you have three options: remove yourself from the situation, change it, or accept it totally."

I also believed that I would find some kind of escape, some kind of outside drug in food. I learned that nothing out there will ever satisfy me except temporarily and superficially, and that I needed to experience many disappointments and sluggish experiences before I realized that truth.

That is just a part of it however. The guilt I experienced didn't go away just by changing my eating habits. For I realized that if I didn't tackle or recognize the structure in my mind for what it is then I would always believe that the answer to solving this question lies in the realm of content.

In other words, content is the situation. So if I change the situation perhaps I won't feel guilty anymore.

This would be if you think that this so-called problem, it's not a real problem, it’s a mind created problem.

If you believe that this problem can be solved on an external level by changing something that you do, it will not because no matter what situation you go into, the guilt will come back.

So the mind, no matter what situation you go into, will bring out the same structures. So unless you are very alert and you recognize that these are egoic mind structures, nothing to do with content, then you realize that what the ego, one of the jobs of the ego is to blame others.

Another job of the ego is to make yourself feel guilty. Both of these things strengthen your sense of identity, they are negative senses of identity. And the ego loves to have a strong sense of identity and no sense of identity is stronger than the negative one, where you condemn yourself for something.

And so and you can see from an objectively speaking, it doesn't make sense to feel guilty in any situation.

And your mind works according to its old conditioning. So recognize when those thoughts come, recognize that these are not actual valid thoughts that are actually concerning a true situation. They are thoughts generated by the ego.

And if you can recognize them as thoughts generated by the ego, structural, not content based, then in the moment of recognition, they begin to lose their power over you. They will try to come in. It's not that you can't do it just for once, they will try to come in the next day.

And if you do slip up and eat something YOU didn't intend, enjoy the experience of eating it. Choose it fully. Dive into the taste, really taste it, be aware of all the sensations. For you are in the moment choosing to eat it, otherwise you wouldn't be eating it! And then if you like, if this particular food or foods doesn't fit in with your original objective to live in an abundance of health, then re-choose who you are going to be for example, 'I choose to eat only foods that provide me with nutrition, goodness, vitamins, nurturing, energy and love'.

Your next Earth Diet Challenge begins next Thursday 11th of November!

Quotes: A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool. - William Shakespeare

What I Ate Today:

Meal 1: A glass of water with a squeeze of half a lemon.

Meal 2: A grapefruit, lemon and orange juice - zing ;)

Meal 3: Cantaloupe (Rockmelon)

Meal 4: A Raw Chocolate Peanut Butter Brownie :)

Meal 5: 2 avocados.

Meal 6: Chicken Lettuce Wraps. Created with bamboo shoots, water chestnuts, sherry, organic peanut butter or crushed peanuts, chili, agave syrup, garlic, ginger, free range organic chicken, himalayan salt, olive oil, lettuce, green onion and cucumber!

Meal 7: Fresh sweet delicious Pineapple.

Recipe:All recipes will be published in The Earth diet book and are available free on The Earth Diet website www.TheEarthDiet.Org

Exercise: A Zumba Dance class at Big Al's Family Fitness, stretching in the sauna and yoga at night :)

2 days to go!!!

Day 362

Thoughts: Worst pet food ingredients

The following list of pet food ingredients and ratings was created by a cooperative effort between pet food formulator Dr. Lisa Newman, N.D., Ph.D. (, Mike Adams ( and the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center ( Mike Adams and the CWC analyzed the ingredients of 448 popular pet food products sold in the United States and organized them by frequency. Dr. Newman then provided a nutritional analysis and comment for each ingredient.

salt (1 stars) found in 69% of pet food products analyzed
Used to cover up rancid meat and fat, can cause kidney and heart disease, hypertension -- used to encourage cats to drink, source of sodium chloride.

sucrose (1 stars) found in 2% of pet food products analyzed
Sugar --leads to hyperactivity, addiction to food (sugar rush), weight gain.

partially hydrogenated soybean oil (1 stars) found in 1% of pet food products analyzed
Cases digestive upset, premature aging.

tetra sodium pyrophosphate (1 stars) found in 7% of pet food products analyzed
Is a rust stain remover used in cleaning products (TSP)!!!! Why is it in food? Emulsification of rendered animal fats! Very toxic, causes nausea and diarrhea.

corn syrup (1 stars) found in 2% of pet food products analyzed
A "sugar" that causes diabetes, weight gain, hyperactivity, fearful behavior, ill health.

corn (1 stars) found in 3% of pet food products analyzed
Inexpensive feed-grade can include moldy grain or fungus which has cause death.

yellow 5 (1 stars) found in 7% of pet food products analyzed
Artificial color, a salicylate which can be become deadly to cats with extended use.

blue 2 (1 stars) found in 5% of pet food products analyzed
Carcinogenic, artificial color.

blue 2 and other color (1 stars) found in 1% of pet food products analyzed

eucalyptus oil (1 stars) found in 1% of pet food products analyzed
Not an essential oil meant for ingesting!

sodium bisulfate (1 stars) found in 4% of pet food products analyzed
Used as disinfectant!

smoke flavor (1 stars) found in 1% of pet food products analyzed
Indicates flavor which can potentially become carcinogenic, retards bacteria on rancid meat.

dried meat by-product (1 stars) found in 1% of pet food products analyzed
Can include tumors and diseased tissues, rancid trim pieces and innards of various animals.

dried plain beet pulp (1 stars) found in 2% of pet food products analyzed
Pure sugar filler -- leads to weight gain, hyperactivity and feeds arthritis.

sea salt (1 stars) found in 5% of pet food products analyzed
Used to cover up rancid meat and fat, can cause kidney and heart disease, hypertension -- used to encourage cats to drink, source of sodium chloride.

salmon meal (1 stars) found in 5% of pet food products analyzed
Concentrated source of protein and a few fatty acids (oil has been pressed out) but can add mercury to the diet.

salmon (1 stars) found in 6% of pet food products analyzed
A source of protein and fatty acids which can add mercury to the diet.

dried whey (1 stars) found in 3% of pet food products analyzed
Can encourage allergies, cheap protein source from cow's milk.

dicalcium phosphate (1 stars) found in 26% of pet food products analyzed
Can become toxic to body -- texturizer in can food.

ethoxyquin (a preservative) (1 stars) found in 2% of pet food products analyzed
The most carcinogenic preservative, most in industry have stopped using it except very cheap, poor quality foods.

sodium chloride (1 stars) found in 2% of pet food products analyzed
Table salt -- used to cover up rancid meat and fat, can cause kidney and heart disease, hypertension -- used to encourage cats to drink.

fish (1 stars) found in 4% of pet food products analyzed
Non-descriptive, probably rancid and of poor quality. Can have high levels of mercury.

rice hulls (1 stars) found in 2% of pet food products analyzed
Cheap filler, can be harsh on intestines.

rice gluten (1 stars) found in 3% of pet food products analyzed
Can encourage diabetes, a poor protein source/filler.

rice flour (1 stars) found in 11% of pet food products analyzed
Cheap filler, causes bowel distress and can lead to diabetes in dogs.

rice bran (1 stars) found in 12% of pet food products analyzed
Cheap filler, can lead to digestive upset.

rice (1 stars) found in 7% of pet food products analyzed
Cheap filler, can cause diabetes in dogs, often indicates poorest quality possible.

red 40 and other color (1 stars) found in 1% of pet food products analyzed
Is a carcinogen.

red 40 (1 stars) found in 6% of pet food products analyzed
Artificial color, carcinogenic.

red 3 (1 stars) found in 1% of pet food products analyzed
Carcinogenic color.

rabbit by products (1 stars) found in 1% of pet food products analyzed
Includes tumors, ears, carcass, etc.

egg product (1 stars) found in 6% of pet food products analyzed
Cheap source of protein, waste product of egg industry, free of shell.

soybean hulls (1 stars) found in 2% of pet food products analyzed
Cheap filler, harsh on intestines.

DL-alpha tocopherol acetate (1 stars) found in 2% of pet food products analyzed
Synthetic source, non-nutritive.

sugar (1 stars) found in 3% of pet food products analyzed
Sugar?!! Leads to diabetes, hyperactivity and obesity. Can feed arthritis. BAD.

DL-alpha tocopherol acetate [source of vitamin E] (1 stars) found in 3% of pet food products analyzed
Synthetic source, non-nutritive. Used generally as a "natural" preservative.

dried animal digest (1 stars) found in 1% of pet food products analyzed
Flavor enhancer. Is non-descriptive, digest is rendered animal tissue, including rancid or diseased parts.

starch (1 stars) found in 2% of pet food products analyzed
Cheapest form of carbohydrates causes weight gain and poor digestion, filler.

dried beet pulp (1 stars) found in 10% of pet food products analyzed
Waste product. Cheap filler/fiber-causes sugar rush/addiction to food, hyperactivity and allergies.

dried beet pulp (sugar removed) (1 stars) found in 25% of pet food products analyzed
Waste product. Cheapest, most common filler used, still contains enough sugar residue to cause problems such as hyperactivity and blood sugar imbalances.

dried brewers yeast (1 stars) found in 1% of pet food products analyzed
Can become toxic to liver, waste product of beer and ale industry.

dried capsicum (1 stars) found in 1% of pet food products analyzed
Cayenne powder, can burn stomach.

sodium carbonate (1 stars) found in 11% of pet food products analyzed
Neutralizer for rancid fats, similar to lye.

dried cellulose (1 stars) found in 1% of pet food products analyzed
Very harsh on digestive tract, suspected to include cardboard or peanut hulls.

dried grape pomace (1 stars) found in 1% of pet food products analyzed
Grapes can be deadly to dogs.

soy hulls (1 stars) found in 1% of pet food products analyzed
Can cause bowel irritation, cheap filler.

soy flour (1 stars) found in 8% of pet food products analyzed
Cheap source of grain protein, filler, can cause bloat/death in dogs.

sorbitol (1 stars) found in 2% of pet food products analyzed
Sweetener and binder.

sodium tripolyphosphate (1 stars) found in 9% of pet food products analyzed
Used as rancid meat preservative.

menadione dimethylpyrimidinol bisulfite (source of vitamin K activity) (1 stars) found in 5% of pet food products analyzed
Least beneficial source of Vitamin K activity needed for proper blood clotting.

sodium phosphate (1 stars) found in 9% of pet food products analyzed
Non-digestible source of phosphorous (vital to maintaining acid/alkalinity pH).

sodium nitrite (for color retention). (1 stars) found in 1% of pet food products analyzed
Potentially highly carcinogenic.

sodium nitrite (for color retention) (1 stars) found in 3% of pet food products analyzed
Potentially highly carcinogenic.

sodium hexametaphosphate (1 stars) found in 5% of pet food products analyzed
Cheap source of phosphorus can become deadly to dogs -- emulsifier, texturizer.

propylene glycol (1 stars) found in 4% of pet food products analyzed
Adds sweetness to food, used in antifreeze! Some preservative action, possible carcinogen.

soybean mill run (1 stars) found in 2% of pet food products analyzed
This is the sweepings off the floor-cheap filler, poor source of protein.

manganous oxide calcium iodate (1 stars) found in 2% of pet food products analyzed
Often used in bleaching tallow.

fish oil (1 stars) found in 3% of pet food products analyzed
Non-descriptive type of fish can include rancid source of "throw away" catches.

iodized salt (1 stars) found in 7% of pet food products analyzed
Used to cover rancid meats and fats, get cats to drink more - causes kidney dysfunction, hypertension.

iron oxide (1 stars) found in 12% of pet food products analyzed
Can be cultivated from rust!

L-alanine (1 stars) found in 2% of pet food products analyzed
Non-essential amino acid used as supplement in heavy grain-based foods but causes cancer in lab mice.

lamb by-product (1 stars) found in 1% of pet food products analyzed
Contains everything internal but the muscle meat including diseased tissue, tumors, etc.

onion powder (1 stars) found in 3% of pet food products analyzed
Can be deadly to dogs, non-nutritive.

onion extract (1 stars) found in 1% of pet food products analyzed
Onions can be deadly to dogs.

liver (1 stars) found in 8% of pet food products analyzed
Non-descriptive source can include any mammal tissue, too much liver can become toxic to the body when used in dry foods, used as flavor, minimal source of iron.

L-lysine monohydrochloride (1 stars) found in 8% of pet food products analyzed
Poor source of Lysine (essential amino acid found in meat), cheaper to use for food enrichment for grain-based foods.

pasta (wheat flour) (1 stars) found in 1% of pet food products analyzed
Cheap, gimmicky filler that can cause allergies, feeds arthritis.

magnesium oxide (1 stars) found in 3% of pet food products analyzed
Has caused tumors in lab rats, antacid.

peanut hulls 10.8% (source of fiber) (1 stars) found in 1% of pet food products analyzed
Can harm the digestive tract, cheap fiber.

maple syrup (1 stars) found in 1% of pet food products analyzed
Sugar, causes weight gain, hyperactivity, feeds cancer and arthritis, should not be used in food or supplements, only treats.

meat and bone meal (natural source of calcium) (1 stars) found in 4% of pet food products analyzed
Non-descriptive indicates 4-D meat, cheapest source, can include diseased tissues plus bone meal can not be digested and assimilated as calcium!

meat and liver meal (1 stars) found in 1% of pet food products analyzed
Can include tumors and diseased tissues, rancid trim pieces and liver of various animals, concentrated.

natural and artificial flavors (1 stars) found in 5% of pet food products analyzed
Poor quality of flavor additive, artificial flavors can be carcinogenic.

natural and artificial chicken flavor (1 stars) found in 1% of pet food products analyzed
Artificial flavors can cause severe illness, become carcinogenic.

To see the rest of the list visit this link.

Your next Earth Diet Challenge begins next Thursday 11th of November!

Quotes: Never let yesterday use up too much of today." - Will Smith

What I Ate Today:

Meal 1: A water with a squeeze of lemon

Meal 2: Cantaloupe (rockmelon)

Meal 3: A orange & grapefruit juice

Meal 4: Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls :) Created with cacao, agave, almonds, peanuts & spring water.

Meal 5: An avocado.

Meal 6: Organic Chicken Nuggets. Created with organic & free range chicken, coconut oil, coconut butter, buckwheat, almonds, paprika, garlic, parsley & himalayan salt.

Meal 7: A Mango Avocado Salad! Created with mango, avocado, olive oil, the juice of lime and tangerine, fresh coriander (cilantro) and black sesame seeds!

Recipe:Mango Avocado Salad, Chicken Nuggets and Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls are available free on The Earth Diet website www.TheEarthDiet.Org

Exercise: Today at home I did my own routine of dancing, moving, stretching, yoga, breathing :) mmm mmm mmm ;)

3 days to go!!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 361


Yes, you do have worms!

The vast majority of human beings in today's society have parasites.

I'm talking about hookworms, pinworms, roundworms, tapeworms, and countless other nasty creatures. Theresa Schumacher, co-author of Cleansing the Body and the Colon for a Happier and Healthier You, estimates there are "about 300 different types of parasites thriving in America today." In recent medical studies, it has been estimated that 85% of the North American adult population has at least one form of parasite living in their bodies. Some authorities feel that this figure may be as high as 95%.

Dr. Peter Wina, Chief of the Patho-Biology in the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, states,

"We have a tremendous parasite problem right here in the U.S. It is just not being addressed."

Dr. Frank Nova, Chief of the Laboratory for Parasitic Diseases of the National Institute of Health, says:

"In terms of numbers there are more parasitic infections acquired in this country than in Africa."

Here are some pictures of just a few of the parasites that are thriving within us:
(From left to right; Whipworm, Roundworm, Intestinal Fluke, Pin Worm, Amoeba Parasite, Dwarf Tapeworm, Hookworm, Fish Tapeworm)

This is something we must take very seriously. The combination of environmental toxins, an unhealthy diet and parasites poses a grave danger to humans. “In fact, parasites have killed more humans than all the wars in history,” reported National Geographic in its award-winning documentary, The Body Snatchers.

The immediate question that comes to mind when people are informed of this situation is: How can a parasite possibly live in my body and I don't even know it is there? The answer to this is simple. The purpose of a parasite is to not make itself known. A smart parasite lives without being detected because if it is detected, of course, something is going to be done to eradicate it. If you think parasites are stupid, think again. They are highly intelligent organisms. Not intelligent in the same way humans are, but they are intelligent in their ability to survive and reproduce, which is of course, the purpose of any organism on this planet.

Dr. Ross Andersen, N.D. puts it this way:

"Other prominent physicians agree with me; that in human history, the parasite challenge is likely the most unrecognized of all endemic problems. Because they cannot be seen and rarely present immediate symptoms, they remain invisible as a cause or contributing factor to what can be a serious disorder."

We don't know why every generation prior to modern times made de-worming a regular part of their lives, but our generation chooses to ignore this basic practice. It is recognized that people in third world countries have parasites. It is also recognized that most of the animals we eat, and pets who live in our homes have an innumerable number of parasites and worms, but for whatever reason we seem to dismiss the notion that we as a modern society might also have foreign entities living within us as well. For whatever reason the medical profession chooses to try to down-play this fact, but the public is rapidly becoming more and more aware of this knowledge.

Parasites live everywhere and are commonly transmitted to humans in diverse ways, such as insect bites, walking barefoot, human contact, animal contact, drinking water, eating under-cooked meats and fish, and numerous other ways. Government inspectors do not inspect most of the animals that go through the slaughterhouse.

Some people who prepare food, as well as the general population do not wash their hands after going to the bathroom. When you consider that many of the parasites are spread by fecal-oral contact, this lack of personal hygiene may be one of the greatest factors in the spread of parasites. Consider everything that you touch that is handled by others; money, shopping carts, door handles, menus, salt shakers, and everything else -- the possibilities for contamination are enormous.

Why are So Many of Us Infested with Parasites?

The problem lies within our digestive system. Theresa Schumacher's book lists several types of parasites and a variety of ways in which they are caught. As for parasites in food, Schumacher notes the parasite incubation period is 36 hours. She says once we have eaten a meal we should be able to eliminate the waste from that food within 16 to 24 hours. But, she notes, "it is startling to learn that the average elimination time in America today is 96 hours."

If waste is not eliminated within 24 hours, it begins a toxic buildup that provides a breeding ground for parasitic infection. She writes that a clogged intestine with putrid fecal matter and plenty of sugar provides the ideal environment for parasites to thrive. It is now common knowledge that the average American adult has between 10-20 pounds of putrefying waste matter lodged in their intestines.

This waste material is home to, in the words of National Geographic, "a sinister world of monstrous creatures that feed on living flesh: parasites.” Discover magazine published a feature article in its August 2000 issue:

“Every living thing has at least one parasite that lives inside or on it, and many, including humans, have far more. Scientists are only just beginning to discover exactly how powerful these hidden inhabitants can be, but their research is pointing to a remarkable possibility: Parasites may rule the world. The notion that tiny creatures we've largely taken for granted are such a dominant force is immensely disturbing. We are collections of cells that work together, kept harmonized by chemical signals. If an organism can control those signals — an organism like a parasite — then it can control us. And therein lies the peculiar and precise horror of parasites.”

Infestations may be severe or mild and can be life threatening, especially for children. A common side affect is the POOR absorption of critical nutrients for growth potentially leading to anemia, growth problems, and a weakened immune function creating susceptibility for disease. According to numerous books, parasites are commonly found in people with AIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome, candidiasis, and many other disorders. Symptoms may include abdominal pains, diarrhea, anemia, cardiac insufficiency, nausea, perianal & perineal pruritis, dysentery, amebic hepatitis, weight loss, intestinal toxemia, colic and cirrhosis.

Removing Parasites with Clay

A clogged-up colon and its parasitic infection is often the undiagnosed root of many physical problems. But, Schumacher writes, the medical profession "does not even agree with the notion of filthy and impacted colons contributing to much American ill health. This may be because there are no patented drugs for quick relief of impacted colons. The only way to cleanse intestines is with natural ingredients, and via a persistent personal hygiene.

In his book, The Clay Cure, Ran Knishinsky writes:

"While many herbs and homeopathic remedies are suggested for this condition, I believe clay offers one of the finest treatments for all types of parasites. First, its use will stimulate the gall bladder to increase the flow of bile according to Raymond Dextreit, a French naturopath. He writes that no parasite can live too long under any bilious condition.

Second, considerable research has shed light on the connection between clay eating and parasites. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition mention this in a recent article: "Geophagy can be a source of nutrients. Its primary way of enhancing nutritional status appears to be, however, to counter dietary toxins and, secondarily, the effects of gastrointestinal parasites" (Johns and Duquette 1991). Further, numerous citations in a host of other journals collaborate this fact: throughout the globe, people eat clay in response to parasites.

Third, worms are themselves clay-eaters and are attracted to clay. As a result, when the clay is eliminated from the body, so are the worms. But the process isn't quick; for every worm eliminated several eggs are usually left behind. However, the eggs hatch, the new worms are also immediately attracted to the clay, and in time, the entire problem should be disposed of."

Knishinsky recommends ingesting clay daily. To do this, you can either eat hydrated clay or drink liquefied clay. Generally, it is suggested that one to two tablespoons of hydrated clay daily is the proper amount for an adult. For those who prefer to take their clay in liquid form, we recommend one to two ounces daily. In all three cases, it is recommended to take the clay on an empty stomach for best results. And if you're taking any medication, it is recommended to wait 1-3 hours before ingesting clay, but please check with your physician, as medications vary in time release and content.

Natural Calcium Bentonite Clay is available through the Earth Diet shop. As well as removing parasites this clay is also used for acne, cellulite, detoxification, drawing out toxins from the body, facials, body wraps, foot soaks, clay baths, chilled clay for burns, itches, insect bites, spider veins, varicose veins, Psoriasis and Eczema, allergies, hay fever, knee and muscle packs! Read more on my blog Day 360.


Your next Earth Diet Challenge begins next Thursday 11th of November!

Quotes: To know that you do not know is the best. -Tao Te Ching

What I Ate Today:

Meal 1: Water with 1/2 of a lemon juice

Meal 2: Almond Butter Balls! Yum :) Simple and delicious - a hearty snack. Created with almonds and dates.

Meal 3: 1/2 a cantaluope (rockmelon)

Meal 4: A beet (beetroot), carrot, celery & ginger juice.

Meal 5: More cantaluope.

Meal 6: Rice and Beans made by Andrew, my husband! Absolutely delicious :) Created with brown rice, black beans, garlic, onion, peppers (capsicum), basil, spinach & cilantro (coriander).

Meal 7: A Green Salad. Created with avocado, lime, baby spinach, lettuce, snap peas, shallots, & cilantro (coriander).

Meal 8: 2 tablespoons of almond butter :)

Recipe:All recipes will be published in The Earth diet book and are available free on The Earth Diet website www.TheEarthDiet.Org

Exercise: Dancing at home to some of my favourite music from Coldplay, The Fray & Travis :) Stretching and yoga also! Light enjoyable exercise. I also went for a bike ride today.

4 days to go!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 360

Thoughts: Natural Calcium Bentonite Clay. I call it Healing Clay - a natural alternative for cleansing the skin and body :)

The Earth diet incorporates all things that the earth naturally provides. It applies for the food you eat as well as what goes on your body. And if you can't eat it don't put it on your skin. Your body absorbs everything, so if you apply moisturizers, shampoos, face washes etc that have chemicals and preservatives you are ingesting those as well.

I use clay for weekly face masks and cleansing my pores.

You can also use it for acne, cellulite, detoxification, drawing out toxins from the body, facials, body wraps, foot soaks, clay baths, chilled clay for burns, itches, insect bites, spider veins, varicose veins, Psoriasis and Eczema, allergies, hay fever, knee and muscle packs!

It removes deep stubborn impurities and dirt from pores.

1lb of clay makes 10-20 facials. You can use it once per week - for the entire family, including men! It is available on The Earth diet website :)

Ingredients: Just clay! 100% Natural Calcium Bentonite Clay.

Sundried, no added chemicals, no heavy metals, no toxic ingredients, no preservatives, no artificial anythings, no fragances, no animal testing, 100% vegan. Pure clay :)

You can actually feel your face pulsate and once I take the mask off I can see the affects, tighter smoother skin :)

How the clay works

Calcium Bentonite Clay has a uniquely strong negative ionic charge. When hydrated, it attracts anything with a positive ionic charge, such as toxins, metals and parasites. This clay has the ability to both adsorb (stick to the surface) and absorb (draw inside) these undesirables. The toxins are then permanently bound to the clay and are removed when the clay is removed.

How clay reduces Cellulite

Cellulite is lumpy deposits of body fat which is actually an accumulated stagnant amount of toxins clumping together in your body. Apply clay to the cellulite areas and the clay draws out toxins which reduces cellulite. This with detoxification, exercise and a healthy lifestyle will disappear your cellulite for good!

There are many ways to use the clay. You can put two cups of clay in your bath and soak for 20 min. This helps pull toxins out of your skin.

There is also the internal detox. Placing a small amount of clay into your drink or you can apply the clay as a mask onto your problem areas.

How clay gets rid of acne:

It removes excess sebum and is an excellent exfoliant. Calcium Bentonite Clay has natural antibacterial properties as well, and will dramatically speed the healing of the pimples. Many times, when people begin using clay masks to combat acne, they notice that their acne appears to worsen before it improves. Don't panic if this happens to you! This is a good thing! It means that the clay is doing its job, and is pulling the toxins from your skin. Also, your face may show some redness when you remove the clay. This is very normal. The Calcium Bentonite Clay increases the blood circulation to the skin, which aids in the healing process.

How clay removes spider veins and varicose veins naturally

Varicose veins, which affects 10%-20% of all adults, are abnormally swollen, twisted, blue veins that protrude from the surface of the skin in a rope like manner, usually on the legs. They are the result of a faulty valve or weak vein walls.

When dealing with varicose and spider veins, many naturopaths recommend first and foremost an internal detoxification to clean the blood, increase the strength and flexibility of the vein walls, and improve circulation. When it comes to detoxing, nothing works better than Calcium Bentonite Clay. First a thorough detoxification. That is followed with local applications of clay, which is allowed to dry for approximate 1 to 1 1/2 hours, then washed off and reapplied. He also recommends sleeping with light clay applications, and frequent clay baths to help increase circulation.

How clay gets rid of Psoriasis and Eczema

Calcium Bentonite Clay acts as a magnet and a sponge. Its highly charged negative ions attract all positive charged ions (bacteria, viruses, toxins, etc.) from your body. These substances stick to and are absorbed by the calcium bentonite clay, and are eliminated from your body with the clay. The effective action begins through the electromagnetic process of adsorbing the inflammation in the lesions, along with the deformed cells and dead scales. Pain and itching stop almost instantly following the application of the clay. The clay then assists the body in building new tissue. Smother the affected area with a thick layer of hydrated clay, and then prevent the clay from drying for several hours by wrapping the area with plastic food wrap. Glad Press and Seal works great for this purpose. After several hours, repeat the process with fresh clay and plastic wrap. During the day if the clay wrap is inconvenient just apply the hydrated clay topically in a thin application and let it dry. Re-apply whenever you experience itching.

How clay stops allergies and hay fever
Allergies and hay fever are caused by the release of histamines. The liver becomes plugged up with toxins and fatty tissue and therefore cannot produce the necessary antihistamines to neutralize the allergic reactions. The first thing to do is clean and rebuild the liver. Once that is done, the allergies and hay fever may disappear.

The good news about clay is that not only will it help stimulate the eliminatory channels, but it can effectively treat allergies and hay fever. Adsorption is a relatively quick process--almost instantaneous in certain cases. The absorptive surfaces of the clay prevent the allergic reaction by quickly neutralizing allergens before these foreign invaders can attach themselves to the blood cells.

Source: To read articles on clay visit this link.

Your next Earth Diet Challenge begins next Thursday 11th of November!

Quotes: To know you have enough is to be rich. Tao Te Ching

What I Ate Today:

Meal 1: An avocado.

Meal 2: An apple.

Meal 3: Raw Chocolate Mousse. Created with avocado, cacao, spring water, agave and fresh mint!

Meal 4: A grapefruit and orange juice.

Meal 5: Walnuts

Meal 6: Caramel Prawns (Shrimp). Created with prawns, honey, brown rice, garlic, onion, lime and olive oil.

Recipe: All recipes will be published in The Earth diet book and are available free on The Earth Diet website www.TheEarthDiet.Org

Exercise: Yoga; breathing and stretching.

5 days to go!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 359

Thoughts: It has been getting so cold here in New York! I am embracing my self for my first real winter with snow! Usually this time of year I am in Australia on the beach every morning with the sun shining bright from 7am! Now I live where the earth is cold this time of year, so I have been experimenting with foods and natural alternative ways to keep our bodies warm when the earth is cold outside.

Warming, comforting winter foods with high nutrients & low calories...

1. Ginger tea.
Boil some water. Cut up some fresh raw ginger into little pieces. Put them in a cup with boiling water. If you feel a burn when you drink it, that is the ginger killing bacteria. No cold or the beginning of a cold will survive with ginger around! Ginger also helps with digestion. (Read more about ginger in my BlogDay 19)

2. Garlic.
Crush some garlic and swirl it around it your mouth before swallowing. Or if you don't want garlic breath then swallow an entire clove. Raw garlic is a powerful anti-oxidant and antibiotic and it also warms the tummy! (Read more about garlic in my Blog Day 9)

3. Winter Breakfast.
Oats, Peanut Butter and Walnuts! You can also add honey/agave/maple syrup for sweetness (not sugar! And this is why, Blog Day 4) Boil water and cook oats. Once oats are cook swirl through organic peanut butter (no added sugar or salt) and walnuts. Absolutely delicious! And filling and warming :) Great energy food for the body. If you make too much put it in the fridge for tomorrow - it then sets like a cake! I make my own natural organic peanut butter, ingredients: just peanuts! They are available for purchase on the website.

4. Veggie Egg Omelet
If you eat eggs make sure they are free range & organic - Chickens that have been pumped with anti-biotics & hormones provides eggs that provide you with no nutritional value what so ever - the eggs are loaded with chemicals that you then eat. Chop up as many veggies as you like especially chilli! My husband loves capsicum (peppers), onion, garlic, chillies & spinach. Fry these in a pan for a couple of minutes to soften and then add a few eggs. Cook as an omelet, flip and serve :)

5. Chillies
Chillies warm your entire body as soon as you eat them so use them in what ever you can while cookies, or in raw salads!

6. Cayenne pepper powder increases body temperature and blood circulation.

7. Traditional herbs and spices such as black pepper, turmeric, cumin, fenugreek, fennel, nutmeg, and coriander are the best winter seasonings to warm the body and boost immunity.

8. Try Raw Cinnamon Honey Rolls! A great, healthy, light & warming sweet. Created from cinnamon, honey, cayene pepper, dates, raisins, almonds, flaxseed, vanilla, olive oil and walnuts! Especially cinnamon & cayene pepper alkalizes the body in which no sickness or dis-ease can survive! (Recipe avail free here)

9. It is challenging in winter to keep the body as light as it is in the summer as we naturally want to hibernate and rest in the cold - just like the animals do! I have noticed that I naturally crave warm and cooked foods - whereas in summer it is easier to eat raw foods. So during this winter try these raw alternatives to usually cooked foods - they are high in nutrients and low in calories, delicious and will keep the calories down and immune system strong. Raw Pizza, Raw Tacos, Raw Pumpkin Soup, Raw Lasagana and Raw Donuts. (I have shared all recipes free on The Earth diet website)

10. Rice and beans!
A warm hearty meal loaded with protein and nutrients - energy food :) You can add avocado, or any veggies you want. I share Brazilian, Spanish, Mexican & Jamaican rice and beans on The Earth diet website.

Natural alternatives:

1. Keep your skin moist with coconut oil.
It strengthens the immune system as it contains antimicrobial lipids, lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid which have antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. Make sure it is organic & extra virgin. (Available for sale on The Earth diet website)

2. Sweat in the sauna!
There is a valid reason why human beings have used sweat baths for hygienic and health purposes since the Stone Age. It's because sweating has proven its effectiveness in flushing out toxins and disease and maintaining optimal physical as well as mental health. The sauna increases and improves the rate of blood circulation and breathing to keep your body connected & warm.

3. Soak in a hot hot hot epsom salts bath. Run the bath as hot as you can take it, add 1 cup of epsom salts (or more) to the bath and soak in it for at least 10 minutes. If you sweat - great!

4. Bikram yoga & hott yoga
Bikram Yoga requires the room temperature to be between 95 and 105 degrees Farenheit. The idea is that the higher temperatures will help the muscles to loosen more quickly. Experts say that it makes for a “deeper” workout as well. The workout also eliminates toxins and cleanses the body keeping it pure so no un wanted illness an get in ;)

Your next Earth Diet Challenge begins next Tuesday 2nd of November!

Quotes: There will always be a little voice saying ‘have more, one more, do it again, have another’. It is part of the collected ego. This thought may not go away, and it is not you if you can separate your self from it.

What I Ate Today:

Meal 1: A ginger tea :)

Meal 2: An avocado.

Meal 3: A grapefruit and orange juice.

Meal 4: Lime Salad with Sesame Chicken. Ingredients: Lime, Baby Spinach, Free range organic chicken, honey, fresh rosemary, garlic, olive oil, sesame seeds!

Meal 5: A melon fruit cup! Created from honey dew, kiwi fruit, dragon fruit, mint, papaya and lime!

Meal 6: Brazil Nut Truffle Balls. Created from brazil nuts, coconut, agave syrup, apricots, and vanilla!

Recipe: All recipes will be published in The Earth diet book and are available free on The Earth Diet website www.TheEarthDiet.Org

Exercise: At the farmers markets today! Walking, moving, chatting with people, selling chocolate balls ;)

6 days to go!!!