Thoughts: The 7 most read Earth Diet articles...
1. Blog Day 206
Water. Things you wanted to know about water but didn't know who to ask.
2. Day 360
Natural Calcium Bentonite Clay. I call it Healing Clay - a natural alternative for cleansing the skin and body :)
3. Day 234
How to grow your own avocado tree!
4. Day 155
THINNESS is the state of that individual, the muscular frame of whom is not filled up by strength, and who exhibits all angles of the long scaffolding.
5. Day 329
Food for thought. Some objective information about other occupants on earth: and how similar we are to insects and animals - like a horse who will eat themselves to death given the chance, there are also people on this planet who eat themselves to death.
6. Day 327
Death by Sugar. This article was written by a beautiful friend of mine Elisha Yarrington who writes a blog Mind Body Spirit! Sugar is by far one of the most addictive substances.
7. Day 241
Safe Sex on The Earth Diet. Most would say safe sex is one of the healthiest things you can do. It is nature, and it feels good and you burn calories! So is there a healthy way to have safe sex? What is the healthiest way to have sex?
Quotes: Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?
Sun Tzu
What I Ate Today:
Meal 1: A orange and grapefruit juice with strawberries :)
Meal 2: Blueberry Kiwi Pancakes with Raspberry Sauce.Created with cashews, oats, buckwheat flour, water, raspberries, kiwi fruit, blueberries, orange juice, and honey or agave if desired!
Meal 3: An avocado with hemp seeds.
Meal 4: Raw Chocolate Mint Pie. Created with almonds, dates, cacao, vanilla, cahsews, mint, agave, himalayan salt, coconut oil and cacao butter!
Meal 5: Garlic Prawn (Shrimp) Salad. Created with olive oil, garlic, lime, baby spinach and prawns (shrimp)!
Meal 6: Some sweet pineapple :)
Recipe:All recipes will be published in The Earth diet book and are available free on The Earth Diet website www.TheEarthDiet.Org
Exercise: Walking, a light jog, moving :)
1 day to go!!!
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