Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sunday feast

I started the day with pineapple and watermelon. So good.

Then get ready for a new recipe! The Chocolate Ice Cream Shake! Made with 4 ingredients: 1 cup plant based ice cream, 1 1/4 cup almond milk, 2 tablespoons almond butter, 2 tablespoons hemp seeds. And added a teaspoon of Phresh Greens. 

Afternoon snack was cherries! 

Then ate this divine nectarine. So divine. 

Then this coconut meat/nut. Straight from the coconut. 

Then fried plantains. 

Dinner was this feast of brown rice pasta, Prawns/shrimp, broccoli, beans, shallots cooked in olive oil and honey. High in protein. 

58 days to book launch!

Love Liana 

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Eat antioxidants for energy

Started the day with big glass of water.

Then had this organic chicken sausage with organic ketchup. 

Then I had a grilled zuchinni.

Drank lots of water because then I went to the beach. Florida is paradise I am so grateful for this weather.

I went and got some waxing done today. I usually shave but lately am drawn to waxing and the smooth feeling after. When I was leaving the waxing place wanted me to buy some cream to ensure no ingrown hairs and to keep my skin smooth. Although I looked at the ingredients and realized I could make my own, minus the chemicals and preservatives. The basic base for it was aloe, tea tree and lavender. 

Later in the afternoon I was craving some icecream so I went shopping at the Fresh Market in Ft Lauderdale. I got this coconut milk ice cream sandwich yum thanks to So Delicious. 

For dinner I had cherries and raspberries! Mmm so divine! Natures candy! I was feeling a little sleepy before eating them and then after I was energized from all the antioxidants! 

At night I went for a swim and did some yoga in this penthouse pool! So awesome! Except the water is chlorine - not ideal - but that's what we have bentonite clay for! :) to absorb those chemicals. 

59 days to book launch! 

Love Liana 

Friday, August 29, 2014

Eating clean protein

Here is my food log for yesterday. And today's is below. 

For breakfast I had organic cereal with almond milk. (Nature's Path cereal)

At lunch break I went to the beach! Paradise! Ft Lauderale! I did my hourly exercise which included running, walking, stretching and swimming. Such bliss and very grateful. 

After that I was craving carbs so made a medium potato cooked in herbs. With organic ketchup. So good. And with some lettuce squeezed with lime juice to balance it out and assist with digestion. 

For afternoon snack I had rice, and pasta and cucumber from the Wholefoods buffet. One of my favorite places to shop. 

I ate dessert before dinner this divine raw lime pie! Vegan! Hail Merrys is the brand. 

Then I had some coconut meat! Purity. Love it. 

Dinner was this Mahi-Mahi with spinach and lemon juice. And a glass of red wine from France. 

The next day I started with this breakfast: yep ice cream haha! But made with rice milk so it's plant based and also high in protein. Covered in nuts and chocolate.  

I also ate more coconut, and drank Phresh greens today. Lots of water too! I did a sauna and also an hour of yoga and stretching. 

For dinner I just ate a small piece of Mahi-Mahi fish in an organic spinach wrap with avocado and lentil chips (for crunch). Now I will make a lavender chamomile tea. 

Check out where my sister is! In ICE LAND! I gave her this raw chocolate bar to take on her travels and she found a famous world monument to enjoy it by. 

Today I got booked for the Hay House world summit which is happening next May and June! Exciting. 

60 days to book launch!

Love Liana 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Grounding and high protein

I started the day with meditation.

Then I had a bowl of organic cereal (Nature's Path) with almond milk. 

Had a green tea for morning tea. And lots of water throughout the day. 

For lunch I had a big potato cooked in herbs, with organic ketchup/tomato sauce. With salt and pepper. Extremely grounding and high in vitamin C. Was perfect. 

Mmm for an afternoon pick me up snack I had some raw chocolate (Almond made by Raw Chocolate Man) and almond butter. 

The afternoon was so glorious with the sun shining into the room where I was working. This is right before the monthly Earth Diet Health Coaching call! 

For dinner I had organic eggs with spinach, zuchinni and hemp seeds! High protein dinner! 

After dinner I went to the sauna and steam room for an hour of stretching. 

My nails are getting so long and strong that they are interfering with my texting and typing this blog haha - I've had short nails my entire life because I've bitten them, now finally they are growing and thriving - TRANSFORMATION! 

Which reminds me over 11,000 people have entered the Earth Diet Transformation Giveaway with 8 days left to enter! :) 

61 days to book launch!

Love Liana 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Eating Wholefoods for simplicity

I started the day with meditation. 

Then I had organic cereal (Nature's Path) and green tea.

For morning snack I had kombucha with chia seeds. 

Lunch was this gorgeous cantaloupe/rock melon. 

Enjoying the simplicity of Wholefoods. 

Afternoon snack I had this avocado. More Wholefoods. 

Dinner I had this huge green salad with snap peas and avocado with lime juice. With yucca! And organic chicken sausages. 

I had a great balance today of raw Wholefoods, cooked and protein. 

63 days to book launch!

Love Liana 

Monday eating! Daily food log

Today was first things first I had a organic nectarine before starting work on my computer. Divine. 

For breakfast I had a green tea and 2 pieces of organic bread with peanut butter. 

Next I had a chocolate ice cream made with rice milk! Covered in chocolate and peanuts! Divine! Plant based. 

Then I had another nectarine. 

I did a lot of work today on phone meetings, Skype meetings and emails. Then I went for an hour workout/stretching and yoga, hot tub and sauna. I had this greens drink. Remember you get 10% discount use code: TED always hooking you up with more Affordable organic ingredients! 

Dinner was Mahi-Mahi with huge green salad; lettuce, avocado, green beans and lemon! 

Today my sister and her friend ate at 5280 Burger bar in Denver Colorado! They do organic free range burgers! Epic! Nadine and Hayley!!!  

64 days to book launch! 

Love Liana 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday eating

Started the day with this watermelon smoothie. So refreshing. Just watermelon in the blender. 

Spent the afternoon out at sea! Amazing. Florida ocean, this is Ft Lauderdale.  

Drank lots of water. On the boat with Lorena. 

My afternoon snack was raw chocolate by the poolside. See that cut on my right knee... I did that on the boat. And it healed so quickly! That's a good sign my immune system is strong. 

For my first dinner I had fresh ground peanut butter on organic bread baked at Wholefoods. With green tea.

Then went shopping at Ft Lauderdale Wholefoods.

This is $117 worth of organic ingredients: coconut, bananas, zucchinis, lemon, avocado, lime, kiwi fruit, avocados, nectarines, potatoes, yucca, cantaloupe/rock melon, Amy's organic dinners Thai and Indian, rice dream (rice milk) ice cream, kombucha, spinach, coconut water, organic sausages, chips and Mahi-Mahi! 

Then I ate a nectarine - it was divine. Next I had an organic chicken apple sausage - so good! 

Love Liana 

65 days to book launch! 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Enjoying Florida eating

I started today with protein! Organic egg scramble with spinach, salt and pepper. 

Then I enjoyed nature for the day. Spent a couple hours paddle boarding and a couple hours at Ft Lauderdale beach in the divine weather and water. 

Drank lots of water.

For an afternoon snack I had this watermelon smoothie! So refreshing! Just straight up watermelon in the blender no other ingredients. 

Then I had this rich raw chocolate almond butter pie by "Hail Merry" Miracle Tart. 

I swam and did some stretching in this gorgeous penthouse pool.

For dinner I ate a bowl of raw beans. Super simple and nutrient rich, mono style eating. And some kombucha. 

And later in the evening, like now I had this watermelon smoothie with vodka and 1/4 teaspoon of honey. Great healthier cocktail for people who want to drink. 

Thank you to all the people who emailed me about their requests with what you want to see in the new book! I am grateful for your input and feel like we are co-creating together! 

66 days to book launch! 

Love Liana 

Friday, August 22, 2014

Eating in Ft Lauderdale today

Today was bitter sweet. I dropped my sister off at the airport early. It was so good to spend some days with her! She's onto traveling her 40th country! So this is me starting the day with Phresh Greens! A full serving of vegetables in one drink! Amazing. 

When she left I got to work on the Earth Diet book launch. For lunch I had this raw chocolate protein bar! 

For dinner we went to the Fresh Market in Ft Lauderdale. This place was awesome and stocked everything we need to live the Earth Diet lifestyle. 

Here's what we got: watermelon, natures path cereal, orange juice, avocados, nectarines, lemon, miracle tart, organic peanut butter, lettuce, sea bass and kombucha! 

Was so excited about this organic nectarine. 

Delicious. Natures candy. 

Friday night drink! Kombucha with tequila and frozen berries as ice ;) ! Delicious 

Snack: organic French bread with avocado and salt and pepper. For "butter" I used olive oil. 

Home cooked dinner! Sea bass on a huge salad of spinach, avocado, lemon, olive oil and watermelon! 

Lots of nourishment and nutrition today! I also did 10 minutes meditation, and an hour of stretching in the sauna! 

Love Liana! :)