Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Grounding and high protein

I started the day with meditation.

Then I had a bowl of organic cereal (Nature's Path) with almond milk. 

Had a green tea for morning tea. And lots of water throughout the day. 

For lunch I had a big potato cooked in herbs, with organic ketchup/tomato sauce. With salt and pepper. Extremely grounding and high in vitamin C. Was perfect. 

Mmm for an afternoon pick me up snack I had some raw chocolate (Almond made by Raw Chocolate Man) and almond butter. 

The afternoon was so glorious with the sun shining into the room where I was working. This is right before the monthly Earth Diet Health Coaching call! 

For dinner I had organic eggs with spinach, zuchinni and hemp seeds! High protein dinner! 

After dinner I went to the sauna and steam room for an hour of stretching. 

My nails are getting so long and strong that they are interfering with my texting and typing this blog haha - I've had short nails my entire life because I've bitten them, now finally they are growing and thriving - TRANSFORMATION! 

Which reminds me over 11,000 people have entered the Earth Diet Transformation Giveaway with 8 days left to enter! :) 

61 days to book launch!

Love Liana 

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