Friday, August 22, 2014

Eating in Ft Lauderdale today

Today was bitter sweet. I dropped my sister off at the airport early. It was so good to spend some days with her! She's onto traveling her 40th country! So this is me starting the day with Phresh Greens! A full serving of vegetables in one drink! Amazing. 

When she left I got to work on the Earth Diet book launch. For lunch I had this raw chocolate protein bar! 

For dinner we went to the Fresh Market in Ft Lauderdale. This place was awesome and stocked everything we need to live the Earth Diet lifestyle. 

Here's what we got: watermelon, natures path cereal, orange juice, avocados, nectarines, lemon, miracle tart, organic peanut butter, lettuce, sea bass and kombucha! 

Was so excited about this organic nectarine. 

Delicious. Natures candy. 

Friday night drink! Kombucha with tequila and frozen berries as ice ;) ! Delicious 

Snack: organic French bread with avocado and salt and pepper. For "butter" I used olive oil. 

Home cooked dinner! Sea bass on a huge salad of spinach, avocado, lemon, olive oil and watermelon! 

Lots of nourishment and nutrition today! I also did 10 minutes meditation, and an hour of stretching in the sauna! 

Love Liana! :) 

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget about prayer to our God that created all this!
