Tuesday, December 31, 2013

5 things to leave behind in 2013!

Where I am it is 2 hours until the NEW YEAR!  It is so refreshing to start a new year! 

Here are 5 things I think we as people living on earth should leave behind in 2013:
1. Consuming GMO's and other chemicals and preservatives. 
2. Eating corn syrup, refined sugar and aspartame. 
3. Over indulging in processed junk foods. 
4. Dairy that is not organic.
5. White flour and white bread. 

I also wrote down 5 things I personally want to leave behind in 2013. And then I wrote down 5 things I want to achieve in 2014!

Write your lists too! Live the life you want. I know it's not always easy but we just have to do it.  Here's to our healthiest year yet!

And if you are struggling with a healthy lifestyle, it doesn't have to be that hard, hire one of the Earth Diet mentors or myself to keep you in check and help you with your health goals! 

HAPPY HAPPY healthy New Year! 

Love Liana 

Monday, December 30, 2013

302 days to book launch!

What will you do to celebrate? 

In 302 days the Earth Diet book will be out! Tuesday 28th October.

These recipes have already helped thousands to improve their health and even heal some diseases. It is obvious that when we put so much nutrition into our bodies that our immune system is boosted and our cells are nourished! Excess weight is usually the first to drop! 

Maybe this book can help millions of people?! What do you think? I am putting together an Earth Diet book launch team. Email me at liana@theearthdiet.org if you would like to be part of it! 

Imagine if you can make a huge difference to the lives of your loved ones and others around the world!

Love Liana 

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Meat eaters who are also vegan

Last night at a food party I noticed how my friends and I are all meat eaters, yet everything we served and ate was raw and vegan. 

Straight up raw cauliflower for a great snack! 
Superfood kale salad with grated carrot and beet for some vibrant colour! 

What works for me is a 70% raw vegan lifestyle, 20% cooked vegan and 10% meat eaters. Living this way has had me experience more energy, I've lost excess weight, my digestive system is working well and I feel better. It's all about finding what works for our own selves! 

Emily Rose Shaw who is a mentor for the Earth Diet Personalized Programs was amongst the group and we discussed hate mail from vegans who do not approve that I share meat recipes. It's very important we remember not to judge or condemn anyone for everyone is at different stages and we are all a team on earth together. Its not that I am encouraging people to eat meat, but I do provide recipes for EVERY type of eater. No one gets left behind. I have found that when people start living the Earth Diet lifestyle they naturally start to live a more plant based lifestyle. 

My tip to meat eaters: eat more raw foods!

My tip to vegans: don't condemn meat eaters, focus on your own lifestyle. If you aren't supporting the meat industry that must make you feel proud. You can also inspire and "convert" others around you especially at family gatherings when you bring a huge tray of cookie dough balls ;) no eggs! Purely vegan! Don't be haters. 

Love Liana 

Friday, December 27, 2013

Win 3 pounds of chocolate!

You can win 3 pounds of chocolate, just comment on this photo and write WHY you want to win!

To comment go to this photo link via facebook: http://on.fb.me/1kN0ofB
The winner is announced New Years Day! What a great nourishing way to start 2014!

Of course this is 'Earth Diet Approved' Chocolate! It is raw, dairy free, refined sugar free, soy free and gmo free! It is made by Noah the 'Raw Chocolate Man' and is handmade, Doreen Virtue calls it 'High Vibration" chocolate!

This kind of chocolate is a superfood, can aid weight loss, increase energy and be used to treat depression. Every ingredient is high in nutrition; cacao powder, cacao butter, raw honey, avocado oil, pistachios, pure vanilla and real salt!

I know I always say this, and I will keep saying it; we are living in a time where we CAN have our chocolate and eat it too! As long as it does not have toxic ingredients, then chocolate is actually so so good for us!

One of my Christmas gifts this year was this 3 pound block of chocolate thanks to Raw Chocolate Man! I am so grateful!

305 days to new book launch! 

Love Liana

Thursday, December 26, 2013

3 foods that help with digestion

Hi everyone!

I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season.

To help with digestion here are 3 powerful foods that can do the job:

1. Chia Seeds are high in dietary fiber great for digestion and healing digestion issues. Chia seeds are known to be soothing for the digestive system in eliminating toxins.

Swallow chia seeds whole, or add chia seeds to cereal, smoothies or juices. Here are 2 of my favorite recipes using chia seeds, Chia Seed Cereal with Almonds and Strawberry Chia Seed Jam.

2. Beet is rich in fiber and is known for maintaining the proper flow of food through the digestive tract. Beet can lift all compacted waste that is stuck to the bowel walls and promotes a healthy gut lining and smooth muscle fiber function, which encourages normal and regular bowel movements.

Eat them raw and whole or juice them. I like to juice them. Here is a recipe for a classic Beet Juice: http://www.theearthdiet.org/3/post/2012/11/beet-juice.html

3. Pineapple contains proteolytic enzymes such as bromelain that possess anti-microbial and anti-ulcerative properties, and that helps break down other foods and assimilate their nutrients.

Snack on pineapple as it is or add it to a juice, here is a recipe for Pineapple Beet Juice: 

Makes: Juice for two

1 pineapple
1 small beet
1 small knob of ginger (large thumb size)

1. Cut the skin off the pineapple. 
2. In a juice machine, juice the pineapple flesh (not the skin), beet and ginger!

Other benefits:
+ Aids Weight Loss
+ Increases Energy
+ Cleanses skin
+ Cleanses liver
+ High in Anti Oxidant
+ Anti Inflammatory 
+ Aids digestion 
+ High in manganese, a mineral that is critical to development of strong bones and connective tissue

Photo by Rock'n Raw Photos.

306 days to the book launch!
Love Liana! 

Resource: Based on my own experiences and Natural News http://www.naturalnews.com/036692_foods_digestion_probiotics.html

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Day !

Merry Christmas! 

For the event I turned my cell phone off until the later afternoon! 

Today was my first white Christmas. I am used to celebrating Christmas in Australia with warm weather and a day of loving the family and eating big feasts and celebrating with gifts !!!!! :))) 

It was a special day and one reason is because I got to announce the winner of the 12-month mentor giveaway! There were hundreds of entries and we read ALL of them. I got to learn why you wanted a mentor and for what reason. The competition was designed to pick one winner but of course we want to pick you all! I figured the way we mentors can coach you is online at a monthly webinar that you all can access and then ask questions and we can talk to you about your health goals that way. It's not one-on-one like hiring your own mentor, but it's the very next best thing.  The winner is Shanna Mielnikowski, and here it is announced today on the facebook page: It also includes her submission and why Chizelle wanted to mentor Shanna. https://www.facebook.com/TheEarthDiet/posts/698388106860638:0

Today I made sure to play in the snow! I made this fun food snow angel with excellent juicing ingredients: celery (wings), lemon (ears), kale (lips), lettuce (hair), apples (eyes), cranberries (heart) and cucumber (belly)! 

One of my greatest gifts I got this Christmas was 3 pounds BLOCK OF CHOCOLATE - $176 street value worth!!! That is 3 pounds of superfoods!!! Some of my favorite ingredients on earth! ; Cacao, avocado, pistachio, real salt, raw honey and pure vanilla. Thank you #RawChocolateMan www.RawChocolateMan.com 

#NoFilter #Chocolate #NoFilterChocolate #TheEarthDiet

If you don't think you got enough gifts today here is one for you, a webinar with of over 50 hours of conversations with great people and speakers including Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Julie Daniluk and myself! It is free for everyone, it's not about selling anything, but having great conversations about the upcoming year and starting NEW and NOW. You can register for it here: http://www.hayhousenewyounow.com/home-registered/?a_aid=518906fbdac4f&a_bid=9c28cc70

Also for EVERYPERSON who entered my 12-month Mentor Giveaway, I decided to give you all a 365-day book as a gift! This way you 365 days worth of recipes compiled into one book and you can be set up for a great transformative healthy year. I will be emailing you ALL a copy! 

If you entered the 1 year Mentor giveaway you get this 365 day recipe book as a gift! It will be available for purchase January 3rd for $24.95. 

Merry Christmas it's 307 days to the new Earth Diet book launch! 

Here's what other people were doing around the world today on Christmas Day....! 

Sarah DeAnna - Supermodel and Hay House Author of "Supermodel You"
"I had Noah's Rock'n Raw Chocolates for Christmas Breakfast Compliments, Liana Werner-Gray at The Earth Diet YummY!"

Wayne Dyer is saying hugging is good medicine. 

Britney Spears says if you want something in life you 'better work B*tch!' If you want to look hot in a bikini you better work work!

Haha and I say you better juice juice!!! 

Here are 2 juices to JUICE JUICE daily that are SIMPLE SIMPLE made with 3-INGREDIENTS!  

Beet Juice:
3 carrots 
2 red apples
1 beet 

Green Juice:
3 celery stalks 
2 cucumbers 
1 green apple

The recipe of the day was my Christmas Juice: 

Serves 2

4 green apples or pears
1 head of lettuce (any kind or use kale, spinach, collard greens)
4 celery stalks
1 large cucumber
1 small lemon, with rind
Dash of cayenne pepper

1. Add all ingredients to a juice machine except for the cayenne pepper and juice!
2. Pour the juice into glasses and add a dash of cayenne pepper to each one, they should be slightly spicy but comfortable to drink.

Thank you to my friend Dr. Sanusi Umar for the Wholefoods gift card! You know for sure I love to shop there for ingredients!

Love love love Liana !!!! :)))

Chat with me at www.facebook.com/LianaWernerGray

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Dinner with a supermodel!

 Tonight I had dinner with a supermodel.

And she's obviously not just any supermodel!
Here are 3 things to know about Sarah DeAnna...

1. Sarah has worked with the biggest and most influential fashion magazines worldwide, including Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire, Amica, L'Official and Riviera. Runway shows include Dolce & Gabbana and Versace.

2. Sarah is also a Hay House author of "Supermodel You". One of the reasons Sarah is so successful in the modeling industry is because of her commitment to a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Sarah is fascinated with nutrition and health, and is also committed to compassionate living and spreading the message to women and young girls that beauty radiates from within and the self-love, confidence and a commitment to health are what make every woman just as gorgeous as any supermodel. This is what her book is about.

3. Sarah eats majority raw vegan 90% and 10% cooked. She loved our dinner tonight using recipes from the new Earth Diet book!

I made Sarah the Superfood Kale Salad, a classic favorite Earth Diet recipe - you can get it here free: http://www.theearthdiet.org/15/post/2013/04/superfood-kale-salad.html and it is also below in this blog. This recipe is a popular one among the model community.  Modellist-ID based in Amsterdam also featured this recipe on their website. Models love this recipe because it is so nutrient rich, yet low in calories and very high in omegas and good fatty acids so the body experiences ultimate fulfillment. Some people who crave hamburgers eat this salad to suppress those cravings. Even people who hate kale have found love for it with this recipe. Really all this from a salad? YES! Try it for yourself. Haha it was really funny when I put the salad on the dinner table, our mutual African friends who joined us for the dinner, (and these men are meat eaters) asked "Did you make anything else? Or is this is?" haha YES THIS IS IT! I replied. I mean I can see why a big bowl of salad would not seem very exciting at first... until they ate it and soon learned that this Superfood Kale Salad was extremely filling. It is a superfood after all, so we don't need to eat bucket loads to feel full. The nourishment comes from essential oils and good fats including the avocado and flax oil. The kale is high in protein as well as the hemp seeds. And it is high in minerals with the salt. 

Earth Diet Superfood Kale Salad
mmm kale!
A package also arrived in such perfect time as we were about to begin dinner, from Raw Chocolate Man, and it was full of the Earth Diet Chocolate Almond Butter Cups and Rock 'n' Raw Avocado Pistachio bars

Raw Chocolate
Chocolate means party time!

“For every woman or girl who has ever dreamed about wanting to be a supermodel, or who just wants to have the body, beauty, and attitude of a supermodel. This book is for YOU!” - Sarah DeAnna.


Total making time: 15 minutes

Serves: 3 people

One head of Kale
One Avocado
1 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar
2 Tablespoons of Flax Oil
3 Tablespoons of Liquid Aminos (or Coconut "Soy Sauce" or 1 teaspoon of himalayan salt)
4 Tablespoons of Nutritional Yeast
4 Tablespoons of Sunflower Seeds

1. Tear the kale off from it's stem and place in a large bowl. Tear the kale into small pieces.
2. Massage the avocado into the kale.
3. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir! And it is ready!

+ Of course add more of any of the ingredients if you like the taste!
+ Add the salad to brown rice wraps for a delicious Salad Wrap!
+ Add more nutritional yeast if you like it 'cheesey'
+ Add 1 teaspoon of garlic powder for more flavor!

+ Made under 15 minutes!
+ Mostly raw - living nutrients!
+ High in Anti Oxidants
+ Vegan
+ High in Protein
+ Aids Weight Loss
+ Aids Muscle Building and Muscle Toning
+ Super High in Vitamins, Nutrients and Essential Minerals
KALE: Helps to activate detoxifying enzymes in the liver
AVOCADO: 18 essential amino acids necessary for the body to form a complete protein
FLAX OIL: Reduces inflammation 
+ Increases Energy
+ Super fulfilling!
+ Aids heart health

"Great for sustaining energy for a long day or night out!" Liana Werner-Gray

Here's to us all for getting our supermodel glow on!
Love Liana 

Monday, December 23, 2013

My gift to Jay Leno!

Jay Leno is a great man who makes a lot of people laugh! If I could give a gift to Jay Leno before Christmas, this is what I would give him: I would write down two recipes on a card. He could use them everyday for the rest of his life. They would be,

Green Juice
1 green apple
2 cucumbers
3 celery sticks

Beet Juice
1 small beet
2 red apples
3 carrots

How cool is that? Sometimes introducing someone to juicing for the first time can be like giving them a present that they never forget! I love people's faces the first time they have a juice, like they were introduced to this whole new world of new energy and fulfillment of life!!!

The MAIN REASON TO JUICE: For instant cellular nutrition, it's very important we get high doses of nutrition daily and this is a fast way to get that.

Did you have your juice today? Remember juice can be as simple as squeezing an orange and lemon into a cup!

Happy giving and receiving everyone,

Love Liana

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Movie snack ideas

Tonight I watched American Hustle!

Obviously I opted out of eating from the GMO Candy Bar ;) 

So I packed my own snacks. Perhaps you can enjoy these too.

I have a bit of every texture and taste here. These are easy to pack in a paper bag or cool little snack box and take with you to the movies. From left to right, top to bottom... 

1. For the spicy lover here are sea snax (roasted sea weed) with chipolte spices! They really are strangely addictive. You can find these at most health food stores these days, they are quite popular. Sea weed is EXTREMELY NUTRIENT DENSE, and EXTREMELY LOW IN CALORIES. 

2. Coconut flakes! These are light and quite chewy so they can keep you entertained for quite some time. I am not a huge coconut lover, but these really do it for me for a snack. You can get a 7oz / 200g bag for $3 at most health food stores. Coconut flakes are a superfood and great fats essential for healthy function of our brain, eyes, hair and skin.

3. Original Sea Snax flavor for a classic savory snack. These are toasty and loaded with flavor, don't underestimate roasted sea weed. People comment that when they eat these, they can feel the nutrients going right into their body, like it absorbs immediately. These sea snax can make you feel quite full and nourished without eating much. 

4. Macadamia nuts with salt. The classic macadamia nut is such a buttery treat at the movies! And I love to salt them with my real salt! Macadamias are an excellent source of calcium and antioxidants. They are said to make healthy happy cheek structure. 

This is a mini salt shaker about the size of my thumb, I take it with me in my purse wherever I go... you never know when you might need real salt ;) Real salt is loaded with great minerals straight from mother earth, that provide anti-aging benefits and a muscle relaxant.

5. Brazil nuts. High in many vitamins including vitamin E for radiant skin. These nuts are also great brain food to keep us focused and energized while watching the movie.

6. Mulberries, these are "sour" natures candy. For people who love sour candy, I highly highly highly recommend these. These are also sweet but at first hit you with a major sour pop. I purchased these from the bulk section at Wholefoods, and Navitas also packages them and sells them. 

7. Golden berries, these are very sweet natures candy. For people who like sweet soft yet slightly chewy candy give these a go! Also available at health food stores and by Navitas. Very high in antioxidants. 

These two mixed together make a great alternative for sweet and sour candy! Mulberries and Goldenberries! This is my candy fix right here.

Lets be smart! It's not cool to load our bodies with junk processed food. The idea is, watch a movie, nourish yourself and leave energized! But if it doesn't taste good who wants to eat it?! So if none of these ideas satisfy you maybe you want to indulge in some healthy chocolate! 

Earth Diet Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups - this is a product I am proud to say I helped design and develop and are available on my website. Here is the direct link: http://www.theearthdiet.org/chocolate.html

Raw Chocolate Bars - these can be used to aid weight loss and increase energy. Many people are also using them to treat depression.

Find what works for you. Happy healthy movie watching!

Let me know what you eat at the movies! Comment below.

At Arclight Beach Cities Cinemas in Manhattan Beach, California. 

Love Liana 
Chat with me any day on my facebook page www.facebook.com/lianawernergray

Friday, December 20, 2013

My commitment!

Hi everyone! 

My commitment is that every person on earth is healthy. My intention is to share recipes and earth friendly tips with as many people as possible.

This inspires me, excites me and gets me up in the morning! 

What are you committed to? 

I'm also committed to loading my body with a lot of nutrition every day! So today I started with a lemon water, then a lush green juice, then a fat blaster juice (lemon, orange and grapefruit) 

I had two smoothies one being a strawberry cashew milk! The other is my usual chocolate berry with almond butter! So excited for you guys to see the new recipes in the NEW BOOK! 

Merry Christmas! Love from California! I am appreciating this beautiful tree after decorating... And it still smells of fresh pine.

Love Liana 

Having it all

I was asked this question today by a reader "I'm so frustrated I'm not satisfied with my life, I feel like I'm Unlucky and I will never get to experience having it all, I am eating mostly Earth Diet stuff now but I still like to go out and eat with friends and I know it is gmo but I still eat it anyways and then feel guilty the next day,  it feels like i will have to suffer for the rest of my life in particular areas, i want more joy and i want more money and i want to look better and feel better ahhh what can I do???"

I believe we are all exactly equal and always point out to people everything you need is within you, what I can do you can do also, and I don't know all the answers I just take one step at a time. 

I do think guilt sucks so give that up whenever you can. Allow yourself to feel better. 

So the best advice I can give with having this blog is just take one step at a time and it unfolds as you go.

Today in Hollywood...a rainbow on Hollywood Blv and Orange Street. 

Thank you Dash store for the blue shirt that reminds me of the ocean and I feel bright when wearing it, and for the empowering socks haha! 

Love you,
Love Liana 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

You can do it!

You already know you can! 


This is a classic truth "Whether you think you can or you can't, you are right." Henry Ford

I've seen people transform their health is MIND BLOWING ways. There are some people who have shared their stories here: http://www.theearthdiet.org/testimonials1.html

When I first started this blog back in 2009, I was not sure that I could do it. Here is my first blog ever: http://www.theearthdiet.blogspot.com/2009/10/earth-diet-begins.html

And if it is a dream we are going after, well we have no choice but to just do it! 

Today I went surfing with my friend Nate at San Onofre at 'the point'. We were joined by a sea lion again! Makes it even cooler. You know what it wasn't my best surf at all, but one good wave makes it all worth while. 

Dinner was Beef Burritos with friends. Recipe is free here: http://www.theearthdiet.org/23/post/2013/11/beef-burritos.html

I started the day with lemon water, and then I had a Green Juice, and then I had a Chocolate Nut Berry Smoothie. After my surf I had some rice (just plain with some salt), and then some pineapple and a green tea before dinner. 

The hardest time to believe we can do it, is when we are feeling down and disempowered. This time passes until we know again "I can do it!!!"

314 days to book launch!

Love Liana

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What do you want to acknowledge yourself for?

Today's blog is about ACKNOWLEDGMENT. If the holiday season is about giving and receiving, then I invite you to give and receive to yourself right now. What do you want to acknowledge yourself for? Pick 3 things and write them down, and then feel love and appreciation for yourself. In my years of working with people I have noticed that some people have a hard time appreciating themselves and saying what they are proud about. Louise Hay is an advocate for 'mirror work' that is looking in the mirror and saying I love you. I have worked with a lot of people with depression and have learned that they do not like the idea of that, so I suggest to look in the mirror and say 'I love you, I'm sorry, I love you, I'm sorry." Or to start with 'I like my ears and that I can hear. I love my lungs that they breathe for me.' The idea is to appreciate and love ourselves. When we love ourselves we want to eat foods that are nourishing, and when we eat foods that are nourishing we love ourselves!

So right now lets give a gift to ourselves!

Here are 3 things I want to acknowledge myself for:

1. Creating a new relationship with food, the earth and myself. Total transformation. I am healthier than I have ever been before.
2. For sharing hundreds of recipes with people around the world to help improve the quality of our lives.
3. For doing 60 minutes of bikram yoga today and then enjoying my most favorite smoothie in the world, for this season anyway haha! Strawberries with water, honey, almond butter and cacao. I call it "Chocolate Nut Berry Smoothie" and the recipe is in the new book!

315 days to the book launch! Excited.

Love Liana 

Quote read at Mandela's service

In my new book I acknowledge Nelson Mandela for teaching me patience, persistence and peace.

This was read at his service:

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." 
- George Bernard Shaw 

I can relate to being unreasonable with my diet and health. I was unreasonable the day I declared my junk food eating days over! If I had not been unreasonable I may have kept that habit for another 5 years! 

When people begin a healthy lifestyle, it takes unreasonableness to be able to keep going. This is what I call "consistent health" and that is who I am. Consistent health. My commitment to myself and the world is to live in a healthy body on a healthy earth. Having it all. Having my cake AND eating it too. Yes I know right... Unreasonable! 

Today I enjoyed a lemon water (I found the lemon from a tree growing around the corner hehe totally local - in California and its on the side walk in case your wondering if someone told me off for picking their fruit!), then I had a green juice with cilantro & parsley and everything else green, and then I had my favorite smoothie these days, a chocolate nut berry smoothie loaded with antioxidants, the recipe is in the new book, and for dinner I had brown rice pasta (gluten free - bonus!) with fresh cilantro, parsley, lettuce, avocado, cucumber and cumin! Talk about hybrid! One element cooked and the majority raw! 

I must say that me being unreasonable with myself and my diet has caused me total health transformation. 

Deepak Chopra talks about some people in their life will have "change" and others will have "transformation." I caused myself to have a transformation because I did not want to live another day trapped in a vicious cycle of eating junk foods from disempowerment. Yuk! Now I have a great relationship with food, I actually get nutrition daily and it is bliss! I know some of you reading this have also caused total health transformation! We should be proud of that! 

Much love, 

The sunset tonight in California 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Start The New YOU! Free webinar!

I am so excited to be part of the lineup of speakers and authors for the free "Start the New YOU" webinar by Hay House!

Join us for a healthy dose of conversation! 

Today I was snowboarding at Big Bear in California!!! It was so awesome to be in nature and enjoy the snow! I love the physical activity of snowboarding too! 

I had breakfast with friends at the Teddy Bear Restaurant! The only thing "earth diet approved" would be the herbal tea! I thought how cool would it be to have the pancakes, waffles, bacon and eggs, burgers etc made with cleaner natural ingredients! Then we really can have our cake and eat it too! (These are all recipes in my new book!) But it takes us all to request cleaner living and eating before we start to see it available more and more! Since I first started my blog in 2009 (4 years ago), there are so many more options for healthier living now, then back then! So I see the world is making changes to be a healthier earth, small but significant changes for the better! What do you think?! :) !!! 

Good night! 

Love Liana 

Saturday, December 14, 2013


These recipes 3 have essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients, as well as antioxidants that affect the body in a positive way (meaning contribute to the brain, heart, stomach and digestive system) and result as an antidepressant. They can also be used for anxiety.


I made this salad using ingredients fresh from my friends garden! The kale, cucumber, basil, lavender and rose petals were just picked from the garden. The arugula, watermelon and olive oil dressing were from the supermarket. The idea with this recipe is to show how you might be able to go out in your garden, and pick fresh ingredients to make an extremely nutrient rich salad! When we pluck our ingredients straight from our garden and then eat them, we are getting high doses of nutrition and living energy. This makes it an antidepressant salad, along with the individual benefits of each ingredient, which you can see below! This is a great salad for the summer, and can also be eaten in winter as it is refreshing and can add a raw element to your meal. For example you could have this with some cooked fish, or a curry or soup. It is always good to incorporate as much raw into our diet as possible, even if we pair it with a cooked dish, so we have a hybrid meal! Raw foods are extremely nutrient rich and leave us feeling light and energized. - Love Liana

Total time: 15 minutes

Serves 2

1 head of kale, torn to smaller pieces
1 cup of arugula or rocket 
1/2 cup fresh basil 
1 cucumber, cut into pieces 
2 tablespoons lavender 
1 cup watermelon, cut into tiny cubes
1/2 cup rose petals
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1/4 teaspoon salt 

1. This salad is also great with avocado!
2. We ate this salad with turkey burgers

1. Get a large bowl and add the kale, arugula and basil. Toss. 
2. Add the cucumber, lavender and watermelon. 
3. Sprinkle the rose petals over the salad! 
4. Drizzle the olive oil over the salad and then sprinkle with salt. Toss so oil is dressing the salad. Use more to taste. 

+ Kale: High in Protein, Extremely nutrient rich
+ Rose petals: Strengthen the heart, helps with heart disease, soothe anger and alleviate depression
+ Lavender: Antidepressant, relieve anxiety, help with fatigue and stress
+ Watermelon: Great for clear skin, high in Vitamin A and C, Immune Boosting, low in calories
+ Basil: High in Vitamin K, Iron and Anti-inflammatory 
+ Detoxes heavy metals and toxins
+ Accelerates weight loss
+ Alkalizes
+ Digestive health, good for IBS
+ Brain food 
+ Immune Boosting

You feel better immediately after drinking this green juice, try it, experience it for yourself.

For one juice


1 small cucumber
1 green apple
3 celery stalks
1 lemon with rind
a handful of kale
a handful of spinach
a handful of parsley

Action: Put all ingredients in the juicer and JUICE!


These chocolate balls are high in magnesium, which relaxes the brain and body. The theobromine in cacao is known to treat depression and can create a euphoric sensation.

RECIPE HERE: http://www.theearthdiet.org/2/post/2012/11/chocolate-coconut-balls-raw.html

Many people believe that processed foods with refined sugars, gluten, gmo's, chemicals and preservatives can cause skittish behavior, anxiety and depression so best to just stay away from those foods!


Happy Holidays!

Love Liana