Tuesday, December 31, 2013

5 things to leave behind in 2013!

Where I am it is 2 hours until the NEW YEAR!  It is so refreshing to start a new year! 

Here are 5 things I think we as people living on earth should leave behind in 2013:
1. Consuming GMO's and other chemicals and preservatives. 
2. Eating corn syrup, refined sugar and aspartame. 
3. Over indulging in processed junk foods. 
4. Dairy that is not organic.
5. White flour and white bread. 

I also wrote down 5 things I personally want to leave behind in 2013. And then I wrote down 5 things I want to achieve in 2014!

Write your lists too! Live the life you want. I know it's not always easy but we just have to do it.  Here's to our healthiest year yet!

And if you are struggling with a healthy lifestyle, it doesn't have to be that hard, hire one of the Earth Diet mentors or myself to keep you in check and help you with your health goals! 

HAPPY HAPPY healthy New Year! 

Love Liana 

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