Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Day !

Merry Christmas! 

For the event I turned my cell phone off until the later afternoon! 

Today was my first white Christmas. I am used to celebrating Christmas in Australia with warm weather and a day of loving the family and eating big feasts and celebrating with gifts !!!!! :))) 

It was a special day and one reason is because I got to announce the winner of the 12-month mentor giveaway! There were hundreds of entries and we read ALL of them. I got to learn why you wanted a mentor and for what reason. The competition was designed to pick one winner but of course we want to pick you all! I figured the way we mentors can coach you is online at a monthly webinar that you all can access and then ask questions and we can talk to you about your health goals that way. It's not one-on-one like hiring your own mentor, but it's the very next best thing.  The winner is Shanna Mielnikowski, and here it is announced today on the facebook page: It also includes her submission and why Chizelle wanted to mentor Shanna.

Today I made sure to play in the snow! I made this fun food snow angel with excellent juicing ingredients: celery (wings), lemon (ears), kale (lips), lettuce (hair), apples (eyes), cranberries (heart) and cucumber (belly)! 

One of my greatest gifts I got this Christmas was 3 pounds BLOCK OF CHOCOLATE - $176 street value worth!!! That is 3 pounds of superfoods!!! Some of my favorite ingredients on earth! ; Cacao, avocado, pistachio, real salt, raw honey and pure vanilla. Thank you #RawChocolateMan 

#NoFilter #Chocolate #NoFilterChocolate #TheEarthDiet

If you don't think you got enough gifts today here is one for you, a webinar with of over 50 hours of conversations with great people and speakers including Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Julie Daniluk and myself! It is free for everyone, it's not about selling anything, but having great conversations about the upcoming year and starting NEW and NOW. You can register for it here:

Also for EVERYPERSON who entered my 12-month Mentor Giveaway, I decided to give you all a 365-day book as a gift! This way you 365 days worth of recipes compiled into one book and you can be set up for a great transformative healthy year. I will be emailing you ALL a copy! 

If you entered the 1 year Mentor giveaway you get this 365 day recipe book as a gift! It will be available for purchase January 3rd for $24.95. 

Merry Christmas it's 307 days to the new Earth Diet book launch! 

Here's what other people were doing around the world today on Christmas Day....! 

Sarah DeAnna - Supermodel and Hay House Author of "Supermodel You"
"I had Noah's Rock'n Raw Chocolates for Christmas Breakfast Compliments, Liana Werner-Gray at The Earth Diet YummY!"

Wayne Dyer is saying hugging is good medicine. 

Britney Spears says if you want something in life you 'better work B*tch!' If you want to look hot in a bikini you better work work!

Haha and I say you better juice juice!!! 

Here are 2 juices to JUICE JUICE daily that are SIMPLE SIMPLE made with 3-INGREDIENTS!  

Beet Juice:
3 carrots 
2 red apples
1 beet 

Green Juice:
3 celery stalks 
2 cucumbers 
1 green apple

The recipe of the day was my Christmas Juice: 

Serves 2

4 green apples or pears
1 head of lettuce (any kind or use kale, spinach, collard greens)
4 celery stalks
1 large cucumber
1 small lemon, with rind
Dash of cayenne pepper

1. Add all ingredients to a juice machine except for the cayenne pepper and juice!
2. Pour the juice into glasses and add a dash of cayenne pepper to each one, they should be slightly spicy but comfortable to drink.

Thank you to my friend Dr. Sanusi Umar for the Wholefoods gift card! You know for sure I love to shop there for ingredients!

Love love love Liana !!!! :)))

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