Friday, September 26, 2014

Let pain be your teacher

Yesterday I did some yoga in between work, I wanted to quiet my mind however my mind was so racy with work, that when I did headstand - I was not present at all and as I was coming out of it I heard a crack in my neck and thought oops! I knew it was not good. My neck was soooo sore! When I turned to the right it was excruciating! So I made my situation worse because I was not present in the moment. Today it's better because every time I feel the pain in the neck I say the affirmation "I am peaceful with life" And the pain is becoming less and less. I won't be doing headstand for a few more days however I learned a lesson - and that pain really put me in my body and forced me into a situation to be more present and focused on exactly what I am doing at the time. At first I felt really sorry for myself and then realized to heal it I would have to accept it instead of beat myself up that I caused pain in my body! 

My past 3 days of eating included a lot of antioxidants and on-the-go eating.

One of my favorite parts of my job is that I am getting sent all the new products - and they are amazing! I love trying them and being blown away like from this cookie that is organic and gluten free and vegan! It's made in Fairfield Iowa by Organic Matters Kitchen.

Then I had their gluten free chocolate fudge brownie!!! Wow people are getting so good at gluten free!!! 

Lunch was this protein from Josie's organic restaurant upper west side. Got to appreciate organic! 

My lunch dessert was this pancake and fruit! 

Eating in NYC is so fun! 

Dinner was a raw chocolate bar made by Raw Chocolate Man! I had Skype calls so this was a perfect quick nutrient indulgence. 

Always remember! 

Breakfast was breakfast in bed! Vegan bacon (made with coconut flakes) and I actually have this recipe in my book! With a raw chocolate bar! 

I had a busy day so waited to eat again until dinner! Had Indian! Lemon rice with curry! I love the fragrances and spices! 

My breakfast today was green tea and this gluten free chocolate brownie! 

I was so grateful to be able to spend a couple hours in Central Park with these snacks. 

And this lunch...

Afternoon medicine was green juice!!! 

Then I got to go to this chocolate party! 

With Charles Chen! Game changer! 

Got to try some delicious new health products! Including this one - Tiger Nut Milk! It's going to be huge.

This divine plate of raw food! 

Chocolate covered blueberries! 

New Brooklyn chocolate company! They use hemp seeds (not THC) in all their chocolate. 

A great thing about these events is bumping into people you know and love! Here is Pas founder of The Seed Experience! 

32 days to book launch!

Love Liana 

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