Friday, August 1, 2014

My half day detox

For half the day today I did a detox. Anyone can do this who wants to do a quick cleanse inside a busy schedule. Helps us to maintain health. 

I used a dry brush. 

I started the day with a big glass of water. You could also do oil pulling first thing to draw toxins out.

Then I had a green juice. With celery and kale from the garden. Super nutrient rich - medicine. Then I had a hot tub to stimulate lymphatic system and get it moving. Then I went in the sauna for 20 minutes.

Feeling itchy during a detox is normal - it is getting out toxins. Experiencing anger is also normal. I was feeling some intense emotions so I tried 2 tools, firstly I wrote out my "vortex" on paper, everything I love and that makes me feel good. This made my mood better. Then I still felt some pain emotions so I went within and just accepted them and fully felt them in an attempt to feel better. 

Later I had a bentonite clay drink, and a diatomaceous earth drink. 

This was my detox. In half a day. Anyone can do it anytime.

Remember the detox summit is about to start, and it's free to listen to 30 experts on detoxification! I am a bonus speaker and you can download my audio as soon as you sign up, and then enter to win an Earth Diet detox pack:

Later in the day I cooked up some zucchini from the garden with red onion.

Then had some green tea and raw chocolate.

Then had watermelon for dinner.

I gathered packages to send to my mum who is healing her depression.

And my Aunty gets this for her birthday! Inside of the packages are IAM Mist Spray and Raw chocolate. 

Today was the day I got an email every single minute since the morning, and it's still going now, with people requesting the Earth Diet book through the angel program to give books to people in a health crisis or who cannot afford the book. 

88 days to book launch! Happy August 1st! 

My Himalayan salt lamp is on now as I write this. 

Love Liana 

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