Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Dessert day!

This was my big brunch today! Lime water, avocado toast, organic peanut butter on organic spelt bread, and jasmine tea! 

Had some Skype meetings with new Earth Diet Health Coaches, and then in the afternoon went to One Lucky Duck one of my favorite raw vegan cafes in NYC and had a big cup of alkaline water with the Snickers Cake!!! Ahhh so yum!!! 

After that I ate a huge garden haha check out how big this plate of salad is! Also from One Lucky Duck, I had this with a cup of jasmine, peppermint and green tea. 

Came across this today! You might be happy to know that this guy known as the Raw Chocolate Man makes the Earth Diet Raw chocolate available on my website! Handmade high vibe chocolate that is good for us! 

I had some more meetings and then on my way home stopped at Columbus Circle for some nut based ice cream! Yum! Coconut milk and almond milk! 

Great day full of desserts! 

90 days to book launch!

Love Liana 

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