Sunday, April 27, 2014

Treating hay fever

Here are 28 common and powerful ways to treat hay fever naturally:

1. Drink green tea
2. Drink chamomile tea 
3. Drink ginger tea 
4. Drink herbal tea with cayenne pepper
5. Drink bentonite clay
6. Bathe in bentonite clay
7. Bathe in Epsom salts 
8. Bathe in sea salts
9. Bathe with lavender 
10. Drink peppermint tea 
13. Sweat in a sauna or steam room 
14. Steam your face! Boil water and pour it into a bowl. Put towel over your head and let it steam for 5-15 minutes. This can be so refreshing!!! 
15. Drink lemon water.
16. Eat loads of berries!!! Strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, blackberries, blue berries, goji berries, cherries! Enjoy the entire cherry family.
17. Get a massage.
18. Get reflexology.
19. Do deep breathing. 
22. Take deep breaths in nature.
23. Swim in the ocean.
24. Get sunshine.
25. Use rose extract/ essential oil and rub under nose, temples and chest. 
26. Use black cumin oil - in your smoothies or on your salad.
27. Eat onions.
28. Eat garlic! 

This blog thanks to my sister who asked for ways to treat hay fever.

Love Liana

*Full Disclosure: Some of the above links are affiliate links, meaning if you make a purchase The Earth Diet gets a little commission from the sale. That being said, we only link and promote products we believe in and we feel will bring value to your life. 


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