Saturday, March 15, 2014

There is a positive and negative to everything

Hey guys, so this past week I was mentoring a client of mine, who I obviously happen to care deeply about! She has been so negative lately on herself. I had to point out the incredible action she has done since committing to living The Earth Diet lifestyle! She has lost weight and her health has improved overall - but it is not good enough - for her! 

***I talk about my client like this because I have permission to do so. My clients name is Debbie and she has started her own blog which she does every day! She is determined to save her life as she is obese, has heart disease and diabetes. Debbie wants to live the rest of her life as healthy as she can. She is so inspiring, her blog is 

So Be assured when you email me health questions that they remain private unless you give permission to share them online. 

So as we were speaking I pointed out that the mind/ego may never be satisfied and that we need to train it to be. We need to celebrate milestones and not be so hard on ourselves. 

We must do the things we know that will make us feel better and be healthier, and then appreciate ourselves once we have done it.

Life is not always fun and exciting and happy. Life can also be dark, and so so painful. Everyone experiences it. Just like the light and dark experience of life, we also experience positive and negative thoughts! 

For example, if there is a negative thought like "You have totally wasted your life, you are 40 years old and 20 pounds overweight." The positive thought to this could be "I am grateful that I can walk and breathe and talk FREELY for if I were in hospital on a breathing machine that would be much harder. I am grateful I have a new opportunity to lose weight - and feel better for the rest of my life - and I have hundreds of Earth Diet recipes to assist with that haha!!!" 

When we get stuck in a negative thought it is very hard to move forward or feel better. When stuck in negativity just acknowledge that's what is happening and know it will pass. 

There is a solution to everything. 

Here is a great affirmation by Louise Hay. 

I suggested my client dance for at least 5 minutes everyday, as by the end of the week that is a total of 35 minutes of exercise and feeling good.

Nutrition wise I suggested she drink more fluids like juice and smoothies to assist her body in absorbing high amounts of nutrition with every meal!

Debbie is such an inspiration to me and others! At 60 she did not give up on her life, she is determined to lose weight, heal her heart and improve her diabetes so she can enjoy the rest of her life with joy, and more positive then negative thoughts. 

What do you think... At what percentage should we think positive thoughts and what percentage of negative thoughts? 50% / 50% 

On the one hand, life is so exciting tomorrow I am going to make delicious chicken wings and then there is brown rice pasta oh boy good healthy foods excite me, but on the other hand can this life experience be over already? I'd like to be star dust already! Haha! 

The point is whenever we have a negative thought and then get stuck in it we can explore what the positive thought is, remember there is always an opposite, so we have a choice where to dwell! 

Positive thoughts make a really really healthy body whereas negative thoughts create a tired, drained, acidic body where if untreated for a long period of time can lead to diseases of any kind.

Treat yourself with more positive thoughts everyday, find your balance where you are fulfilled with life, and make sure to get loads and loads and loads and loads and loads and loads and loads and loads of nutrition! 

Obviously when we put good stuff into our bodies, life is going to be easier, there will be more joy and lightness, and positive thoughts flow easier! 

"Good food and good thoughts is good medicine!" That is in my new book! 

Love Liana !

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