Saturday, March 22, 2014

Negative thoughts that hold us back

Negative thoughts can hold us back and ruin our health! We all get them though! So here are some tools on releasing them. Whenever we think negative thoughts we can choose to entertain them or to let them go. What works for me is imagining any negative thoughts and bad feelings to go to the light, a place of total stillness, lightness and love where negativity is transmuted and dissolved into star dust! You might also imagine sending negative thoughts to Heaven, angels or to God for transmutation. 

Negative thoughts effect our health. I write about this in my new book. Our body is bathed in chemistry of either love emotions or negative emotions depending in which state we are in at the time. Dr Bruce Lipton, a fellow Hay House Author, I love his lectures because he gives presentations on scientific evidence of how this works. And basically negative thoughts lead to stress in the body which causes acidity which is a breeding ground for cancer, disease, aches and pains, weight gain, sluggishness, anxiety, addiction and depression. 

So see its very important to release our negative thoughts rather than keep them inside. For great health of bodies should be in a state of love and peace majority of the time, well at least 50% of the time! 

I know it's easier said then done, especially if you suffer with depression because then the majority of thoughts are negative. I hope these tools will help you as they help me everyday. Here are some negative thoughts I may have or ones that are very common among all human beings: (so whenever you catch yourself thinking these or whatever bad feelings you have, send them to the light to be dissolved and dealt with so they are not stuck with you!) 

- I suck
- I will never have the health I want 
- I will never lose weight I can't 
- It works for other people but not me 
- I can't change I'll stay the same for the rest of my life 
- No one can help me 
- I am so alone 
- I need money and I'll always be broke so I can't ever be healthy and afford good foods and lifestyle 
- I will never lose the last 5 pounds that don't want to budge 
- I will never live my dream life it's just not possible 
- I am not good enough 
- I don't matter 
- I deserve a shitty life 
- No one cares about me or likes me 
- Life will just get worse for me
- I am so unhealthy I can't possibly fix it 
- I give up 
- I am so stressed 
- I don't see a way out of this situation 
- I hate my life and my self 
- I hate where I have gotten myself too 
- I eat way too much I can't stop 
- I've done way too much damage to be repaired now 
- I can't do it
- I wish I could start over again 
- I wish I could die 
- I hate what I look like 
- Why didn't I know better? 
- Why did I wait to hit rock bottom? 
- I have to do this all on my own 
- I have to just be grateful for what I get I can't possibly live my dream life 
- I am aging and getting worse 
- I just want to binge one more time
- I don't know what to do 
- I am helpless 
- I am a pathetic loser 
- I am so busy I don't have time for myself to be healthy and heal 
- I can't have what I really want 
- I have to starve myself to lose weight 
- I have to deprive my body and work really hard to be healthy 
- I have to suffer to be healthy 
- I don't have enough money to buy what I need because I am worthless 
- I hate this world 
- I am clueless 
- I will never have the job I want or earn the salary I want 
- No one appreciates me 
- I am so unloved 
- I do not love myself 
- I am so ugly and weird 
- I feel so sick and disappointed with myself 
- I wish I could start my life over 
- I can't be present there is too much pain
- I am in so much pain 
- I wish I was someone else 
- I wish I had more money then being healthy would be easier 
- Why can't I just get more money? 
- There is no hope for me I will suffer until the day I die
- My family sucks 
- I am stuck 
- Nothing good ever happens to me 
- I am the worst person 
- I have to work really hard and sleep less to achieve what I want 
- I have to suffer because I've been cursed 
- I can't stop sabotaging myself 
- I am stuck in a vicious cycle and can't get out of it 
- I am an addict and will never be free 
- I will never feel healthy in my life 
- What's the point to anything? 
- My life sucks 
- I will never be truly happy without some kind of food or drug or stimulation 
- My mind sucks 
- I can't help but think negative thoughts 
- ahhh I am so frustrated with life, myself and other people! 
- People suck 
- Being on Earth sucks! 
- I am not as good as other people! 
- I am dumb 
- People don't get me 
- I hate where I am right now 
- I can never find peace 
- Something good happens and then something bad happens right away 
- I don't believe in miracles 
- I believe people came here to suffer 
- I blame my parents 
- I blame others for betraying me and taking advantage of me 
- I hate my life, body and self! 
- I will never look good again 
- I have to work really hard to look good and suffer my way there 
- Ahhh I can't do it anymore! I give up!
- Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? 
- Why can't I just have the health I want? The body I want? The relationships I want? The career I want? 
- People hate me 
- I will never be as attractive as so and so 
- Why do bad things always happen to me? 
- I expect more bad things to happen to me 
- I don't expect to enjoy the rest of my life 
- I don't get to enjoy my favorite foods if I want my dream body 
- My dream body is not achievable 
- Money money money if I had more more I would be less stressed and be healthier 
- I am a bad person 
- I don't make much money because I'm a loser 
- I am not valuable 
- No one acknowledges me or my gifts! 
- Life is too hard 
- Life is not easy for anyone 
- Being healthy is hard work
- I will never change 
- I don't know how I can achieve my goals 
- It's too late for me 
- I need to completely transform if I want peace, and that is not possible 
- I don't know how I can ever be free of suffering 
- majority of the people are bad and dark and depressed and unhealthy 
- What's the point to me even trying? 
- I wish I could give up 
- I am desperate 
- People think I'm desperate 
- People think bad thoughts about me 
- I am nervous and anxious all the time 
- If only I had more money I could afford things that would help me be healthier 
- I can't do it I just cannot do it 
- I'm overwhelmed, it's all too much 
- I need help like serious help and have no idea where to go or what to do 
- Life is too stressful 
- My situation sucks and is so stressful 
- I am so so so so so stressed! 
- I don't do enough 
- I am too lazy 
- I don't work hard enough 
- I'm just not there yet, I don't know if it will ever happen for me, I hope it does but I doubt it 
- I doubt myself 
- I am so unsure of myself 
- I am not confident at all 
- I am socially awkward 
- I freak out over the smallest things 
- I've suffered so much in my life it will take a lifetime to fix it 
- I need fixing 
- I've done far too much damage to be corrected I just have to live with it 
- there is no escaping my pain 
- I have post traumatic stress disorder and will probably never be like I was 
- I wish I could go back to my childhood 
- I am so scared 
- I feel so alone 
- I wish I knew what to do 
- I will never make it 
- I do not believe in myself 
- If I achieve anything I will be surprised 
- I expect the worse 
- I don't expect to feel good majority of the time that is impossible 
- I am not happy 
- I deserve to suffer 
- I feel so much guilt 
- I feel guilty after everything I eat 
- I am doing the wrong thing 
- I am wrong totally wrong! 
- I have made so many mistakes I am a failure! 
- I have failed at life
- Its definitely to late for me 
- I don't know how to reinvent myself 
- I am so far from my dream life
- I am so needy 
- People just do not like me! 
- People can sense I am needy and they are repulsed by me! 
- I am disgusting 
- I am gross 
- I am so so so ugly 
- I will never be loved 
- the weather sucks 
- I wish I was a different person who knew how to do it right 
- I just wish I could make more money that would solve all my problems 
- I don't understand why it's not working for me because I work so hard 
- I don't understand why I have to suffer everyday 
- I don't understand why I can't just be happy 
- I don't know what it's like to be healthy 
- I will always be the same I can't ever change 
- It is just way to hard 
- It is impossible! 
- I am not ready 
- I am so nervous 
- I can't do it 
- I'm too tired 
- I have made too many mistakes 
- The damage cannot be healed 
- It's too hard 

Just simply send these thoughts right out of your head as soon as they get there! 

If you like try writing all negative thoughts out on paper and as you write imagine them leaving you and being dissolved in the light! It is light offloading major heaviness! 

Remember when I was stuck in a vicious cycle of addiction to junk foods for 5 years, I did not release any negative thoughts and feelings! I did not know how to! I did not have these tools! In fact I believed I was the only human to suffer the way I was by eating junk foods and not being able to stop! As soon as I started this blog and shared with the world what I was going through a HUGE weight lifted off my shoulders! 

Enjoy a positive body! 

219 days to book launch! 

Love Liana 


  1. Hi Liana, what a great blog entry. The long list of negative thoughts put a smile on my face. Not because of all the things it said, but because the list was sooo long (which actually is a terrible thing). Spot on! :) This is something I will give a try, to send my negative thoughts to the light that is within me. Thank you for more inspiring words!


    1. Hi Emma! You are welcome and thank you for sending a message! Great to hear from you :) Love Liana
