Sunday, January 12, 2014

What to do with your juice pulp!

For all the juicers out there who don't want to throw away the pulp, here are 2 things what you can do with it:

1. Use the pulp to make a soup!
Add water, pulp and your choice of spices to a pot and boil together for 20 minutes! Here is a recipe I use: 

Serves 4
2 cups juice pulp 
8 cups of water 
1 teaspoon salt 
1 teaspoon black pepper 
1 teaspoon cumin 
1 teaspoon turmeric 
1 teaspoon garlic powder (or 1 garlic clove chopped)  
1 teaspoon onion powder (or one small onion chopped) 
Toppings of your choice: cucumber, cilantro, avocado, parsley! 

2. Use the pulp in your compost!
Add to your compost pile and make nutrient rich soil for your garden!

Today I made a green juice and then used the pulp for a soup using recipe above. I added raw elements to the soup; avocado, cucumber and cilantro! A dash of turmeric topped it off. Delicious and so nutritious ;) keeping nourished and warm in NYC. 

Juicing accelerates weight loss and boosts the immune system epically! Experiencing more energy immediately is common! 

Juice on earth lovers! :) 

Love Liana! 


  1. I keep a container in my freezer and add the pulp to it everyday. I make soup when it is full

  2. How about using the pulp to male some healthy dog treats, add an egg, some broth, gluten free flour to the pulp and bake at 350 for approx 25minutes cool

  3. Great idea about the soup. Gonna do that one for sure!! Thanks
