Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Guilt with eating...

"Some guilt occurs when you do something that you believe is wrong. For instance, if you believe that cigarette smoking is harmful and low-vibrational, and you still smoke, your betraying yourself and the rest will be guilt. Same thing if you believe it's wrong to eat junk food, get drink, have an affair, cheat on an exam... And yet you do these things anyway. As long as you're engaged in behaviors you feel bad about, guilt will be the natural consequence."

This is from Doreen Virtues new book "Assertiveness for Earth Angels". 

"Guilt is a very low-vibrational energy. The angels say that guilt clips the wings if lightworkers. It makes us less effective as healers and manifestos. 

So if your engaging in behaviors you don't feel good about, there are two ways to handle this: 

1. Stop doing the behavior! 
This is likely the healthiest route to take. Admittedly, it's not the easiest path, but that's why following this option makes you stronger and raises your self-esteem.

2. Change what you believe about the behavior! 
Guilt is more toxic than any behavior you can engage in. So if your going to continue with it, it's essential that you let go of guilt surrounding it. Meditate, pray, do research, talk to trusted people. And take other healthy steps to realign your beliefs about the behavior so that you can truly engage in it guilt-free." 

These are great tips from Doreen (Hay House Author) for handling guilt, especially around food and eating! I am happy to share them with you all so we can all be free of guilt. 

It's 280 days to the new Earth Diet book launch! I have included over 300 recipes for helping relieve guilt, anxiety and depression around food. My ideas are that we can still eat chocolate and cheesecake (made with cashews) for example, and our favorite tastes and flavors, BUT using earths natural ingredients! Eating this way results in no or less guilt as each meal, even the cashew ice cream, is packed with vitamins, nutrients and protein! It's hard to feel guilty about eating tastes we love while also getting so much nourishment in our bodies! I am committed to living a guilt free life! Guilt sucks! 

Love Liana 

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