Tuesday, December 10, 2013

322 days to book launch!

Thank you to everyone who voted for the new BOOK COVER! There were 740 votes! It was very close and we are going to go with:

A !!! 

I did announce this on Sunday in my Weekly Update Email, so if you are a subscriber you would have received that! If you are not a subscriber you can subscribe here: http://www.theearthdiet.org/subscribe.html

I hope you had a great healthy day! 

I got to have a lemon water, then a beet juice with grapefruit, and for lunch I had a Chocolate Blueberry Smoothie with Almonds, and then I iced my Chocolate Beet Cakes for an afternoon snack, which I will share on the website soon! 

For dinner I had Beef Burritos, a recipe in the new book! With fillings guacamole, nutritional yeast, kale and cucumber! Organic wholewheat wraps!

Remember my book is for EVERY type of eater, I include everyone, including meat eaters, with a lot of juice recipes and also raw vegan. Variety is key. "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." Leonardo Da Vinci 

Overall it was a delicious healthy productive day. 

Love Liana 

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