Tuesday, November 19, 2013

My job as a Mentor.

This blog is about the amount of submissions I have received for the Earth Diet 1 year Mentor GIVEAWAY! Submissions are filling up my inbox! It is really good to see how many people want to achieve their health goals and are willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen!

It is great to see so many people get the value in having a personal Mentor. I wrote yesterday that the job of an Earth Diet Mentor is to:

 Be there for you, 
be on your side, 
help you win,
and help you with new tips, 
recipes and solutions.

It is obvious that when we have our own Mentor who can be there for us, and hold us accountable, and who help us achieve our goals, we have a better chance of doing it! How many times have you tried to achieve weight loss or fitness on your own and just ended up in the same place? I have coaches and mentors myself, and it really makes my like an extraordinary one rather than an ordinary one. It took me some time to accept that I had to reach out and ask help, and now I feel more connected to a community by having people assist me and help me. I also mentor people one on one, I love that! Because I have my own Mentors I am able to move out of a disempowered state quicker than I would on my own, I made a commitment to not stay disempowered for longer than 15 minutes. This means I quite quickly create an empowered context for myself, and my body is healthier and not stressing out for long periods of time.When our bodies are happy and well nourished we can drop weight and we naturally crave healthier foods.

From the amount of submissions I've had so far, I am learning that offering a giveaway to one lucky person to have their own Mentor for a year is something I want to do more of. I would love to gift you all a Mentor free of charge for a year, but is currently not possible as people need to make a living to sustain this lifestyle. I am so grateful for Chizelle who is the Mentor giving her time to the winner for one entire year. So what I am coming up with is a system to be able to Mentor as many people as possible.

Here is what I am putting in place, starting January 3rd 2014, and then this will continue once per month, myself and Mentor Chizelle will host a free online webinar for everyone who has ever purchased a mentor Personalized Program, or a downloadable program, or the people who entered the current giveaway, we will grant you access for free. We will speak for an hour and each month have a new Mentor on as a guest. The current Earth Diet Mentors include Emily Rose Shaw, Jessie Jean, Patrick Vahey and Steven Robalino. For the people who want to become Mentors themselves I will be interviewing people next year. On the one hour calls we will discuss the most common questions and you will have an opportunity to email your questions to us. That way you can still feel like you are part of a support community. Myself and the other Earth Diet Mentors are a stand for your health.

I am very excited about this! You will get to check in with us every month and use our support to stay empowered and achieve your health goals.

If you are able to afford your own Mentor I recommend it, it is a way to really experience breakthrough results ESPECIALLY if you feel stuck or that you can't ever move past the situation you are in right now. There is more information here, and you complete the questionnaire online and select your Mentor. http://www.theearthdiet.org/personalised-program.html

If you missed yesterdays blog about the giveaway here it is: http://www.theearthdiet.blogspot.com/2013/11/344-days-to-book-launch.html

I also send out regular emails if you are a subscriber, you can subscribe here: www.theearthdiet.org/subscribe.html 

I am so excited for the winner of this giveaway, who will be in their 10th month of the program when the new Earth Diet book comes out!

A healthy world is a happy one!

Love Liana!

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