Thursday, November 28, 2013

334 days to book launch! Happy Thanksgiving!

This blog shows the feast I had for Thanksgiving! I was thankful to spend the day with great people and great quality food! There was absolutely non GMO's or junk foods at our table! 

Here is what I had:

I made cranberry sauce with: cranberries, chia seeds and honey. 

This is the Classis Cashew Cheesecake with a pecan crust. Here is the recipe:
People are always blown away when they ask what ingredients are in it: cashews, lemon, vanilla extract, salt, maple syrup! Absolutely no dairy, no soy, no refined sugar. 

This is the organic turkey we had! I stuffed it with brown rice pasta so we could have a gluten free stuffing! Here is the recipe for stuffing:

These are a recipe from the new Earth Diet book 2014, Coconut Basil Sweet Potato Fries - the flavors go so well together. 

Here is Brussel sprouts baked in the oven with purple onion. 
This was my plate! My first plate! Haha I had two! Such a delicious combination of foods, I love how the colors are all there; orange, green, purple, red and then the turkey protein and brown rice pasta. To add a raw element I had lime water :) 
Dessert started with a ginger tea and slice of cheesecake.
The night before I made Pecan Pie (new recipe). These two pies go so well together. 
Emily, who is an Earth Diet Mentor for Personalized Programs made eggplant nuggets today! These are a great vegan dish. Here is the recipe:

I love how we live in a day and age where we can pack our foods with nutrients, while still making them delicious. Do you believe we can have it all? I do! These holidays I won't beat eating junk foods, I will be eating healthy desserts that taste so so good!

Happy thanksgiving everyone! 

5 things I'm super grateful for right now:
1. My body is healthy and pain free. I can breathe and move freely. 
2. That I am in a warm safe comfortable place with a fire! 
3. That my family and friends are alive today.
4. That I get to eat delicious foods every day that excite me.
5. That I am free of my past addiction to bingeing on junk foods!!! Freedom. 

Love Liana 

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