Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My two most popular health tips.

364 days to book launch! I started the morning by having a beautiful nourishing sleep in! I appreciated it, and something I learned from Louise Hay is to say thank you to the bed for a wonderful nights sleep!

At noon I met with Steph Hendel who is a health coach and from the Raw Sistahs

We walked through Central Park, we actually walked from one end to the other! It was a gorgeous day with blue sky and the sun shining so bright! Ending at Columbus Circle Wholefoods and had a beet juice. It was so fun and refreshing to spend time with someone the same age as me on the same mission to share health with the world! Steph was beaming with energy and vibrancy! We talked about being young entrepreneurs, about our story to how we got here, and things we may face in the future :) We were also present to the beautiful nature in Central Park! She filmed me for her Vlog and asked my two most popular health tips which are:

1. What is the quickest and healthiest AND affordable health tip people can incorporate into their lives daily? 
LEMON WATER! A great refreshing drink that is alkalizing, high in vitamin C, immune boosting and raw. I find that when people start the day with lemon water they choose healthier options throughout the day. It also helps with digestion, and if you find yourself eating any junk food, drink lemon water after and it will help to move the toxins out of your system, it also declares to your body that you are committed to a healthy well nourished body!

2. Recipe I'd like to share? 
YES of course! One of the most popular recipes are 3-INGREDIENT CHOCOLATE! 
1. Cacao powder
2. A base - ground up almonds (almond meal), or any other nut. Or for nut allergies use sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds! 
3. A sweetener - either dates, honey or maple syrup! 
Action: MIX IT ALL UP! Then you can roll it into balls, or squares for brownies, or use it as a pie base! You can also add things like salt, vanilla, peanut butter for Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls! 

Here is the video of our adventure! 

Today in preparation to my new book being published by Hay House in 364 days, I defined what I want to feel like and look like the day of the launch. I really want to find a healthy balance between work, play and relaxation. I find myself working a lot more than anything else, and feeling guilty if I am relaxing. I am on a mission so I constantly find myself working. My idea of health is a balance. 

This weather in NYC is cold, and makes me want to snuggle up in bed with a cup of tea and cookie and watch movies. I notice my body is not as productive in colder weather, so I am drinking lots of tea, and eating soups to keep my body warm and energized! 

Yesterday on the first day of the countdown I craved a hamburger and fries. I didn't have it, instead I went to Pure Food and Wine and had divine raw foods with friends! Today I was craving gummi bears, I didn't have it. Instead I had beet juice. I know tomorrow I am making Earth Diet Chicken Nuggets so I am using today as a cleanse day, and I've had a bentonite clay drink, diatomaceous drink, green tea, beet juice and phresh greens. Getting my nutrition from liquids. I love cleanse days. 

The day of the book launch I want to feel really fulfilled that I have done everything I could to get the message out about health and help as many people as possible with my recipes! Before I started the Earth Diet I wished I could be free of binge eating on junk foods, now I dream of being free of fear and negativity that holds me back at times. I find myself thinking, if only I could never have another negative feeling or thought ever again! I would have so much more energy and be so productive! But I realize life happens, so I will do my best to live day by day! 

Starting this countdown has really made me value every day, I have 364 days to go and I wonder how each one will unfold, and I wonder what each day will be! Of course I have a schedule but life always has unexpected meetings and experiences awaiting! 

Join me in the health movement! Share recipes to your friends and family! There are hundreds for free on my website www.theearthdiet.com 

And of course when the book comes out next October it will make a great holiday gift and new years gift! For this year, the original Earth Diet book that I produced last year is still available and will not be available as of February 2014, so if you want a limited edition book signed by me go to this link to order: http://www.theearthdiet.org/book.html

I believe the people and the earth are getting healthier. Do you?

Lots of love! 

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