Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July 9th

What I ate today:

Pear – So sweet and lush!!

Lunch:  Guacamole with rainbow pepper, and Himalayan salt with cucumber! And an epic salad with mixed greens, avocado, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds and lemon and olive oil dressing!

Afternoon Fun: A glass of Red Wine

Dinner: A Juice!!! With pear, grapefruit, carrots, apple, and lots of lemon!

Drink:  I had a lot of chilled herbal tea today and water.

Nutrients I got today: 
Antioxidants, iron, good fats and Vitamin C

Exercise: Relaxing and stretching and lots of walking!!!

Affirmation:  I have more than enough and I am so content with my life!!!

Grateful for: 
 I am Grateful that everything I ate today was fresh and organic!!!!

Love Liana!

Chat with me online www.facebook.com/lianawernergray

For the recipes above go to: http://www.theearthdiet.org/recipes.html

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