Sunday, July 7, 2013

July 7th

What I ate today:

Morning: Water and Grapefruit Juice, I squeezed one large organic grapefruit into my cup! 


Breakfast  Egg Omelette in a brown rice wrap! A lot of carbs and calories I know!! ;) But I wanted to get a lot of protein, to be prepared for the day ahead!!! With some mineral salt from Utah.  

Snack: Chamomile Tea!

Snack: One cucumber from the farmers market!! It was SO refreshing!!! 

Snack: One Chocolate Mini Bar

Dinner: The Earth Diet Fish and Chips!

One piece of The Earth Diet Cheesecake! Yumm!

Drinks:  Lot's of water!!!!

Nutrients I got today: Good carbohydrates, protein and antioxidants!!!

Exercise: Went walking in Central Park :) 

Sitting in a chair looking at a computer for 8 hours.  Loving working on the new Earth Diet book though :) Realized I could have sat on an exercise chair!! We did get up and take breaks and breaths and stretch! And eat!  Realized I do better with less screen time and more nature time! We went for a walk in Central Park after our work was done! 

Affirmation: Each day gets better! 

Grateful for:
My editor Stephanie Gunning! She is brilliant! She has worked on so many books and many of them includ Hay House Authors! Thank goodness for her editing! People comment on my writing and the mistakes in it all the time, well with Stephanie there will be a lot less mistakes  She makes things easier to read and makes the recipes look really neat and organized!

Love Liana!

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