Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July 31st

What I ate today:

Morning: Water

Breakfast: Two Chocolate Mini Bars

Morning Snack: 1 Earth Diet Chocolate Almond Butter Cup!

Morning drink: Bentonite Clay

Lunch: Goji high smoothie from One Lucky Duck! Ingredients are: Goji berries, blueberries, cashew milk, and vanilla.

Afternoon Snack: Green tea while working at Barnes and Noble at Union Square, where the Earth Diet book will be available 2014!! Here is the view where I was gathering quotes for the new book! Here is one:  “I am realistic – I expect miracles!” –Wayne Dyer!

Dinner: With Jill, founder of Models Do Eat at Pure Food and Wine.  I had a cheesecake pop pre-dinner with a glass of organic Malbec. I also had a Philly roll - Raw and organic with tatsoi, hijiki, scallion, sweet chili sauce, avocado, kimchi  and creamy cashew cheese. 

Main Course:  Smoked guacamole tortillas - Yummm!

Dessert:  Cheesecake!!!!

Nutrients I got today: Protein, Vitamin C, and antioxidants!

Exercise: Walking many blocks in the city! I love walking! I also did 20 minutes of meditation this morning J

Affirmation: I am living life powerfully!!!!!

Grateful for: 
My sister visiting me in NYC! Here is her blog if you want to read her daily experience here:

Love Liana!

Chat with me online

For the recipes above go to:

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