Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July 24th

What I ate today:

Morning: Lime water

Breakfast:  Organic turkey bacon! I was craving bacon.  My sister had it with eggs but I didn't feel like eggs this morning.

Lunch:  Fresh orange juice at Natural Blends in Babylon! This is the next best way to get fresh orange juice other than using your hands to squeeze them! I also had a Cookie Dough Ball covered in chocolate!! The recipe calls for almond flour, coconut flour, arrowroot, coconut sugar, coconut oil, coconut milk, flax, apple cider vinegar, pure vanilla extract, Himalayan sea salt and cacao! Here is The Earth Diet recipe for Cookie Dough Balls.

Snack: Green Smoothie with spinach, banana and celery!

Dinner: Sea snax (seaweed) and a Phresh Greens drink and a Bentonite Clay drink! This was a cleansing dinner!!!!

Nutrients I got today: Protein, trace minerals and magnesium. The Phresh Greens alkalized my body.

Exercise: Walking around the city with my sister J

Affirmation: Today is a good day because I say so!!!!

Grateful for: 
How good healthy food tastes! Especially cookie dough balls! No gluten, soy, dairy or refined sugar! Nourishment and decadent taste!!!

Love Liana!

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For the recipes above go to:

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