Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July 16th

What I ate today:

Morning: Water

Breakfast:  One Chocolate mini bar and one organic free range egg with one Ezekiel toast.

Noon Snack: Smoothie with banana, blueberries, almond milk, peanut butter and yucca root powder.

Afternoon Snack:  One cup of peas!! Yum!!

Lunch:  Lima bean curry! Lima beans are large and smooth beans and some call them “sexy beans”.  I had them with a curry blend of peas, onions and broccoli.  The recipe is coming soon to http://www.theearthdiet.org/.

Afternoon Snack:  One Chocolate mini bar

Dinner:  Still deciding!!! Waiting to see what excites me most…. I might make chocolate pie or chicken wings, or brown rice pasta, or mac n’ cheese Earth Diet style!!! And I have some sprouts I got yesterday that need to be eaten! J

Nutrients I got today:  A lot of potassium, magnesium and antioxidants!!

Exercise: Dancing and stretching

Affirmation:  All is well and getting weller! J

Grateful for:  Cacao!!!!!!

Love Liana!

Chat with me online www.facebook.com/lianawernergray

For the recipes above go to: http://www.theearthdiet.org/recipes.html


  1. In the south, we call lima bean "butter beans". But traditionally in the south they are cooked to death which I don't care for at all. I'm good with as simple as served with butter and black pepper, saute, hummus, salads and Tok-sel Lima Beans (you can find the recipe on line) for now but can't wait to try your curried recipe!

    1. Oh butter beans! cool what a great name! Today I made a soup with them... divine! Lush and thick! That recipe you described sounds delicious... I would use a vegan butter recipe I created with coconut oil, olive oil, almond milk, apple cider vinegar and salt (this butter also great for making cookies!) Let me know when you try the curried version! I hope you love it! :) <3 Liana
