Friday, July 12, 2013

July 12th

What I ate today:

Breakfast:  Handful of Macadamia nuts and 2 eggs with Ezekiel toast with avocado (yes I was hungry this morning) I went to see Amma the hugging Saint

Lunch:  Juice! – Carrots, celery, orange juice and ginger
Afternoon Fun: Went to Gary Nulls where there was a chocolate demo with Noah the founder of Rock b’ Raw Chocolates! I sampled a bunch of raw organic chocolate of course!

Snack: Macadamia nuts

Dinner: Potato bake! With potatoes, coconut oil, garlic, onion, coconut bacon, chives and thyme!

Nutrients I got today: Potassium, iron, vitamin C and zinc!

Exercise: Lots of dancing! Lots of walking and some stretching, As well as deep breathing!

Affirmation: I trust that all is well!

Grateful for: 
Peace and trust

Love Liana!

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For the recipes above go to:

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