Wednesday, December 19, 2012


DAY 19 

In Costa Rica...

Morning: Phresh green drink ! (wheatgrass, spinach, kale)

BREAKFAST was an epic feast! The Earth Diet Egg Omelette  eggs cooked in coconut oil, with sea salt, black pepper and spring onions/chives.

Freshly squeezed orange juice

Fresh pineapple :)

Next: Organic Greece Tea with small chunks of ginger

Next: handful of raw macadamia nuts

Next: handful of brazil nuts

Next: Fresh lobster and salad; spinach, banana, roasted almonds, strawberries, avocados OH YUM!

Next: Rock'n Raw Chocolate! Pistachios, avocado oil, raw local Iowa honey, cacao powder and cacao butter! DIVINE!

Next: Fresh Costa Rican fish BBQ with organic spinach, sprouts, apple and walnut salad !!!

Next: More raw chocolate!

Today I consumed A LOT fresh raw living fruits and vegetables :) I consumed a lot of vitamin C and magnesium :) I also got a lot of VITAMIN D and good healthy fats today. Everything consumed was from The Earth Diet AKA living a life as naturally and organically as possible!

People have been asking me if I am finding all this organic produce here in Costa Rica... well the fresh fruit and vegetables yes, I packed A LOT of foods with me from USA to bring here including Rockin Wellness, Phresh, macadamia nuts, brazil nuts, nutritional yeast, sea salt, oregano, organic tea, coconut bacon. Today we went to the supermarket and found ALMOND MILK ! and organic produce including cilantro and beets. Also found quinoa BUT it was $10 for one box, organic produce is not in as much demand here... well from what I have seen so far and being in San Jose. There is also a lot of fresh fish here. The fruits are tropical and divine.

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21 DAY WEIGHT LOSS & NOURISHMENT programs available for $19.95 

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