Monday, May 14, 2012

Update in NEW YORK! :)))

Guys!!!! Whats up wow time goes fast right?! Its been 3 months since my last blog on here! haaaa wow so much to share and fill ya in with!!!

Since then here's what I have been up to and all things TED (The Earth Diet) and ALIVE New York!!!

Press Conference for ALIVE New York in India :)
Yuvika Chaudhary Bollywood celebrity and I in Mumbai at the press conference!
With team ALIVE in India! From left Dwayne Peachey, Dinesh Chaudhary, Zankrut Oza and me!
More photos on my facebook :)
 Video update in India!!!

I got to NY April 4th! 
I'm at ORGANIC CORNER every Tuesday so come in!
I'll make you a smoothie and/or juice and we can talk health lol!!! 

I am also teaching a RAW FOOD CLASS June 7th Thursday 7pm! Get tickets in store or CALL!

Saturday night I was on Top Shelf Network LIVE! 
Here it is :)

We had a healthy girls night in lol! With The Earth Diet cocktails, TED Raw Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups from Organic Corner, HEMP Seeds, Trying Rockin Wellness for the first time and RAW treats from
Organic Avenue in NYC!

Every day I spend time and focus energy here, working on creating ALIVE New York!!! I am a co-founder and also speaking here! The team and people involved with this event are mind blowing extraordinary human beings :) Check this event out :) Tickets are available now, some left avail for live attendance in Times Square, AND tickets avail for LIVE STREAM so you can watch live on the internet from anywhere in the world!!!

TED book launches June 29th at ALIVE New York! PRE-ORDER a signed copy here! Pre-order before June 20th and receive a FREE E-BOOK version!

$50 and includes shipping Worldwide *for limited time!

Here are a few recipes that will be included in the book :)

Raw Chocolate! 

Beet juice for cleansing, detoxification and NOURISHMENT :) 
Snacks! Guacamole with carrot & cucumber sticks, hot chips, gravy and tomato sauce!
For the meat eaters... chicken nuggets with a coating of almonds, turmeric and himalayan salt!!! mmm :))) Add cayene pepper for extra spice!
For the vegetarian :) Spicy Encrusted Eggplant with tomato sauce and mash potato!!!

Check out more photos on TED facebook

You have probably seen my blogs are not on KORA Organics by Miranda Kerr anymore! A blog I wrote about how you can 'cure cancer if you choose' went viral and was too controversial. I understand this topic upsets alot of people because alot of us know someone with cancer, or who has died from it or have it ourselves and its a touchy subject, a painful one and upsets us, reminds us of dis-ease and death! My blog was intended to give people hope, and show you how there are MANY stories of people who are healing themselves quite naturally and fast and simply with other ways then chemo and radiation! The results are there peeps and lots of people are doing it!!! Soooo some of the blogs I wrote for KORA are available to read again and download on TED website at a later date :) 
Email me if there is a specific one you are looking for!

After seeing the media frenzy on my blog, one of the World's leading doctors in healing cancer naturally Dr Leonard Coldwell called me and invited me to his studios in South Carolina! 
We did a few video responses to the blog...

Also if you have cancer/dis-ease/stress I recommend checking out Dr Coldwell's website! Buy his books, that is the treatment, and then do the things he recommends. No need to spend thousands of $ on treatments!!! It is working for ALOT of people around the globe. Check it out:

Here is Dr C speaking about
every cancer can be cured in a few weeks!!!
I checked out Organic Avenue for the first time TWICE this week lol! Loved it so much, the people, the energy the food!!! It is in Manhattan and there are a few locations :))) 
Check out they do FREE delivery in Manhattan!
Divine RAW foods and JUICES!!!

With Steven Robalino from Juicing 101!

With some very inspiring and empowering human beings who are big players in the health world!!! From left to right, Steven Robalino Juicing 101, me, Penni from Cleanse America, Paul Risse (whoaaa epic physical abilities lol check out his youtube vids) and Carissa from LOVE GRACE!!!

We gathered here to speak and share CLEANSE AMERICA
- go raw for 9 days from June 20th to June 29th ready for ALIVE!!!

AND we also attended for the screening of "Average Joe on the Raw" wow epic film about an average American Joe who feels very average and doesn't want to anymore lol so goes RAW for 60 days and wow this video shows his transformation and how he is lacking in magnesium, iron, and testosterone and at the end of it WOW he looks so much more vibrant in the face, ALIVE in his body and more 'manly' yep his testosterone levels increased ALOT! Raw foods bebe very powerful thing ;))) Oh and check out the trailer, he gets some tips from the RAW BRAHS and RAW FOOD CHEF MASTER Russel James!

 I am speaking at Health Freedom Expo June 17th in Chicago!!!
With Dr Coldwell and Robert Scott Bell Show
 Their primary intention is to protect consumers' rights and defend practitioners who use natural and nutritional cures, and to create full awareness of what health and wellness choices are available.
The Mission
of the Health Freedom Expo is to bring the finest natural health information, products and services to the public. 

Tickets are available :) 

 The Earth Diet was featured in one of Australia's most popular magazines NEW IDEA!!!
And was written by a naturopath Emma!!!

You all probably remember her from her hott role in GREASE with John Travolta! Olivia is a beautiful human, loving her! She's an actress, singer and has just released her FIRST book "Liv Wise" filled with delicious healthy recipes both RAW and cooked! I met with her in New York! She's awesome and is opening "Olivia Newton John Cancer and Wellness Center" in Australia in June!!!

Olivia is also being acknowledged at ALIVE New York for "Survivor and Thriver"! Olivia had breast cancer years ago and overcame it and now helps others to heal, nurture, nourish and heal themselves! Amazing :)


wow ok so my friend Steven Robalino (Juicing 101) has convinved me to be part of the team doing Spartan Race!!! Haha check it out, this is what I will be doing, getting dirty and physical lol! June 3rd it is ON! We will be team ALIVE, TED, juicing and all things HEALTH!
Lynnette Pate from FUEL FOR THE BODY TOUR will be part of the team woohooo!

Check it out, Shaquille O'Neal is one GIANT man lol!

For the ladies, and some men too ;) People ask me if I wear makeup and what kind. I aim to wear makeup as least as possible! I prefer to have nothing on my skin :) But when I do need to wear it for photos, an event or whichever, I use ADORN and am SO HAPPY I found them because if you can't eat it, don't put it on your skin as the skin absorbs EVERYTHING!!! sO Adorn is 100% natural,TOXIC FREE, pure mineral and organic make-up, calming to the skin - IT IS SO LIGHT! making them ideal for people prone to sensitivities; and being fragrance-free, they are particularly compatible with delicate skin, giving a sheer, natural, flawless coverage, also eco-friendly and sustainable and of the highest quality, celebrated by make-up artists, stylists, celebrities, dancers and models. I LOVE IT!

ADORN are also nominated for an ALIVE Award for "Makeup" and you can vote for them to win if your feeling it!!! Vite for your favourite categories here and help us acknowledge the ones in the world who are making a difference!!!

With Roxxe!!! One of the most talented photographers in the world!!!
and she is photographing ALIVE New York!!! 

A gathering for eating and drinking at Caravan of Dreams!!!
With Mike Wall and Seth Luker founders of ROCKIN WELLNESS, 
Paul Risse, Steven Robalino from Juicing 101, Penni Shelton founder of RAW FOOD REHAB,  
 Elyse Clark a raw food chef genius at LIVE ISLAND CAFE, 
Jake and Carissa from LOVE GRACE and I at Dharma Mittra's birthday celebration in NYC! He is a yoga master! and will be doing yoga at ALIVE New York June 29th 10am :) Tune in on the internet and do a yoga sess with us OR attend live in person! Tickets available :)))
 Carissa and Jake with Dharma Mittra!

THINGS that make sense ;)

Just LOVE for ALL!

Love you guys ALOT!!! 
Peace, love, health :)
Liana Werner-Gray

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