Thursday, November 10, 2011


Hey guys! wow today is 11.11.11 !!! Day of alignment :)

I wanted to share with you guys of new happenings...

I started The Earth Diet again for FULL and REAL for 8 months of ONLY foods the earth provides naturally. This also means the stuff I put on my skin... I aim to only put on my skin what I could also eat, as the skin is another organ (the largest on the body!) so whatever is put on the skin it absorbs. So if we put chemicals on the skin it is absorbed and goes through to our organs and cells. So I am using coconut oil for skin moisterizer and hair treatments, organic tea tree shampoo and conditioner, organic mascara, organic toothpaste and baking soda for whitening, lemon for deodorant and some days none, bentonite clay for face masks and KORA Organics for face cleansing, mineral rocks for makeup, paw paw for hand cream and lip gloss! Wow there really is so much natural beautiful whole nutritious ingredients earth provides us with!

The reason for beginning TED 8 month challenge... was Sarah Mae! If you don't already know Sarah you will soon, she is amazing and so inspiring! She read TED everyday when I was writing blogs for the 365 challenge. Since then we have become close friends and wow now she is like a soul sister :) such a beautiful giving spirit who LOVES people and is here to spread her love and light everywhere! She is part of Mother Maehem which is her and her beautiful mum Sally (Love you Sally!!!) and they focus on music from their heart, whatever it is they are going through :) One of my favourite songs of there's is 'I am Not Alone' and 'ALIVE Song' ! Anyway Sarah came up with the idea that her and I do TED for 8 months from now until next June for ALIVE New York 2012! And so we are video blogging daily! Which is all new to me as I am being forced to open up and be real and honest with everything! I want there to be nothing off limits, no secrets from you guys at all!

Today is Day 8!

Here are our videos and experience from the beginning to now! Enjoy :)

Absolutely NECESSARY! HAHA :) The last 5 months for me have been film sets, fast foods, India and a mixture of The Earth Diet and processed foods! At this point I felt tired, bloated and sluggish so a good 8 months on straight earth foods I am so ready for! It has only been 8 days and I already feel a massive difference :) And my body has lost the 'fat weight' that was gained from fast foods. It just drops away especially in the first couple of weeks! All that unnecessary excess weight gone for good :) Juicing helps dramatically too for weight loss and detoxing :) Juicing video below :)



My first full body bentonite clay wrap! And loved it :) Betonite clay is so powerful and sucks the toxins right out! Its good for cancer, acne, veins, cellulite and any skin rash disease type illness...Read a blog on it here and all the benefits of it: 


DAY 4 - in response to Sarah's doubts, fears and insecurities she expressed at the end of Day 4 above!
DAY 5 above and DAY 6 and 7 below :)


ENJOY guys! :) HAVE a wonderful and the best day ever! If your not having the best day ever and it sucks just know you will soon be out of it! It never lasts and things always get better... they are... just hang on lol... the world is shifting! Humanity are waking up and becoming ALIVE and balance will be restored on the planet soon!

Love and light xoxoxooxoxox
Liana Werner-Gray :)))

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