Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 55

Here is a blog journal of the 55th Day on my Customized Health Programs put together by some of The Earth Diet team.

The programs I am currently taking are for Eating, Exercise and Hypnosis

This is what my day looked like - Wednesday 25th May 2011.

Eating Program: 
Morning: Beet, carrot, celery and ginger juice.
Next meal: Orange and grapefruit juice
Next meal: Organic Cherries from Organic Corner!
Next meal: Almond Butter, ingredients: roasted almonds.
Next meal: more Organic Cherries.
Next meal: Pineapple
Next meal: Mexican Rice and beans :) With cilantro/coriander from our garden! Recipe HERE.
A bite of Andrew's raw cupcake (we made in the raw food class last night!) - he didn't really want to share it and I'm thankful for the bite hehe mmm!

Today 5 meals were raw and 2 cooked.

*My program was created to be majority raw, some cooked foods, incorporating meats and vegan meals, juices, cleansing teas/meals/drinks and desserts. All meals use only ingredients that are provided by the earth naturally. When you complete the questionnaire online you can also create it how you want it to be. 

Exercise Program by Patrick:
Morning: Meditation, stretching, breathing. Then a 10 minute walk to Big Al's Family Fitness for a 40 minute cardio workout, sauna and walk home :)
Afternoon: 30 minutes walking 

Hypnosis Program by Paul Nguyen:
20 minutes listening to my customized 'Weight Management'

I also went to The Balance Health and Wellness center for Acoustic Wave Therapy  and Acupuncture :)

Be easy about this. Be playful about it. Don't work so hard at it. Let your dominant intent to be to feel good, and if you don't feel good, then let your dominant intent be to feel relief. Feel your way through it. If you think your way through it, you can get off on all kinds of tangents. If you feel your way through it, you can come quickly to your Core Energy, and when you do that only good can then flow to you. --- Abraham

With love, Liana :)

For free recipes visit:  

To create your own Customized Health Programs with one of our team members visit: 

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