Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 50

Chicken Nuggets: Organic & free range chicken, Sprouted Buckwheat Flour, Slivered Almonds, Himalayan Salt Salt, Dried Parsley, garlic, Paprika, Freshly Cracked Black Pepper, organic & free range Eggs, coconut butter.
Here is a blog journal of the 50th Day on my Customized Health Programs put together by some of
The Earth Diet team.

The programs I am currently taking are for Eating, Exercise and Hypnosis

This is what my day looked like - Friday 20th May 2011.

Eating Program: 
Morning: Water.
First meal: A beet, carrot, celery and ginger juice.
Next meal: (Also had this yesterday! Oven baked potato wedges with onion, thyme, olive oil, sage, basil and cayene pepper mmm :)
Next meal: A green juice at Organic Corner.
Next meal: Raw Cookie Dough Balls and Raw Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups which is part of The Earth Diet Raw Food line and is now available at Organic Corner!
Next meal: Chicken Nuggets: Organic & free range chicken, Sprouted Buckwheat Flour, Slivered Almonds, Himalayan Salt Salt, Dried Parsley, garlic, Paprika, Freshly Cracked Black Pepper, organic & free range Eggs, coconut butter. RECIPE HERE
Next meal: Cantaloupe/rockmelon.
Ginger tea. 

Today 4 meals were raw and 2 cooked :)

*My program was created to be majority raw, some cooked foods, incorporating meats and vegan meals, juices, cleansing teas/meals/drinks and desserts. All meals use only ingredients that are provided by the earth naturally. When you complete the questionnaire online you can also create it how you want it to be. 

Exercise Program by Patrick:
Morning: A workout with a friend Margo at Big Al's Family Fitness :) She is a hardcore workout friend...definitely recommend getting one of these if you want push yourself ;) !!!
Afternoon: At Organic Corner
Exercise for my memory ;) Reading my script for Backwater... we start shooting in 2 weeks! yehooooo

Hypnosis Program by Paul Nguyen:
20 minutes listening to my customized 'Weight Management'

Inspiration: It usually takes about 30 days to change a habit. Not because you need 30 days. You could do it in 68 seconds if you could once you did it hold your vibration there, but you have to consciously make that decision. --- Abraham

With love, Liana :)

For free recipes visit:  

To create your own Customized Health Programs with one of our team members visit: 

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