Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 43

Dinner for 3 :)
Here is a blog journal of the 43rd Day on my Customized Health Programs put together by some of
The Earth Diet team.

The programs I am currently taking are for Eating, Exercise and Hypnosis

This is what my day looked like - Friday May 13th 2011.

Eating Program: 
Morning: Beet, carrot, celery and ginger juice.
Next meal: Raw Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls (A product of The Earth Diet :)) at Organic Corner!
Raw Cookie Dough! Cashews, oats, vanilla, honey/agave, himalayan salt, cacao nibs and water!
 Next meal: A green juice with green apple, cucumber, celery, ginger, beet, carrot, parsley and spinach.
Next meal: Homefries made by Andrew, delicious! Ingredients: Potatoes, garlic, onion, olive oil, thyme, sea salt, sage, oregano, cilantro/coriander baked in the oven.
Next meal: Lettuce wraps with a filling of Homefries, Avocado, Mango, Spring Onions/Shallots, Cabbage and Carrot (soaked in olive oil, rice wine vinegar, local honey, ginger and garlic) rosemary and cilantro/coriander. Mmm a divine dinner with Andrew and G.f Roberts :)
Next meal: Raw Chocolate Balls: cacao, cacao nibs, agave, water, vanilla bean, himalayan salt.
Today 2 meals were raw, 2 were cooked ;)

*My program was created to be majority raw, some cooked foods, incorporating meats and vegan meals, juices, cleansing teas/meals/drinks and desserts. All meals use only ingredients that are provided by the earth naturally. When you complete the questionnaire online you can also create it how you want it to be. 

Exercise Program by Patrick:
Morning: Stretching
Afternoon: Walking around the Organic Corner ;)
Mind exercise ;) Reading my script for Backwater, we start shooting early June!

Hypnosis Program by Paul Nguyen:
20 minutes listening to my customized 'Weight Management'

Inspiration: The Past has no power over the present moment. - Eckhart Tolle

Pure Bliss TV just posted an interview I did with Chizelle recently :) If you want to check them out go to The Earth Diet Youtube Channel: Part 1: Part 2:
Check out the hostess of Pure Bliss TV, Chizelle at!/PureBlissTV

With love, Liana :)

For free recipes visit:  

To create your own Customized Health Programs with one of our team members visit: 

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