Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 28

The Raw Ice Cream Sundae!

Taco salad and Portabello Hemp Seed Burgers
Charlotte, Aisi, Liana, Andrew, Alice, Karin and Tom at Pure Food and Wine!


Alice and Taco Salad

Karin and Alice with tiramisu, lemon fig bar and chocolate moon pie :)
Day 28 on my April Challenge!

My Customized Health Programs include a Exercise Program, Eating Program and Hypnosis Program.

This is what my day looked like - Thursday April 28th 2011.

Eating Program:
Morning: A green tea.
First meal: A beet, carrot, celery and ginger juice. 
Next meal: Wholewheat pancakes with maple syrup.
A green tea.
Next meal: An avocado.
Next meal: At Pure Food and Wine with some amazing people, Alice, Aisi, Tom, Andrew, Charlotte and Karin. Everything is raw and plant based (all ingredients are naturally provided by the earth). We shared the tortillas, the hempseed portabello mushroom, a mango raspberry vanilla smoothie, lasagana, croquettes, and the taco salad. Dessert is always best and we had a ice cream sundae, a chocolate moon pie, a lemon bar and tiramisu!

Check out another blog on Pure Food and Wine here:

Exercise Program by Patrick:
1 hour workout at Big Al's Family Fitness.

Hypnosis Program by Paul Nguyen:

20 minutes listening to my customized 'Weight Management' ;)

All laughs are beautiful - Alice Eklund :)

For free recipes visit:  

To create your own Customized Health Programs with one of our team members visit: 

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