Saturday, April 2, 2011

April Day 2

Day 2 on my April Challenge!

My Customized Health Programs include a Exercise Program, Eating Program and Hypnosis Program.

This is what my day looked like - Saturday April 2nd 2011.

Eating Program:
Morning: Green Tea
Next meal: Goji Berry Granola - ingredients walnuts, goji berries, gluten free oats, agave, olive oil, sunflower seeds and dried cranberry's. Soon to be available at The Earth Diet (TED) store!
Next meal:1/2 an avocado.
Next meal: Chick Pea Curry with brown rice. Ingredients: cayene pepper, chick peas, potatoes, white onion, garlic, olive oil, thyme, sage, coriander/cilantro seeds, carrots, brown rice.
Next meal: Goji Berry Granola. Green tea.

Exercise Program:
10 minutes dancing
20 minutes stretching

Hypnosis Program:
20 minutes listening to my customized 'Weight Management' ;)

Inspiration: "I believe that people have the incredible power within themselves to create the change they desire, whether it be in health, lifestyle, emotional well-being, spirituality or anything. This power lies dormant in many people. I created Moodstreams and became a Certified Hypnotist with the goal of helping people to unlock that potential and motivate themselves towards the change they deserve." Paul Nguyen who creates the Customized Hypnosis Sessions for The Earth Diet readers.

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To create your own Customized Health Programs with one of our team members visit: 

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