Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 347

Thoughts: The very first Earth diet challenge begins next Monday 25th October!

Benefits of The Earth Diet Challenge:

  • Experience losing weight while still eating foods that you love!
  • You will return to your natural weight! Lose weight, some people having lost 10-25 lbs (4.5kg - 11.4kg), up to 5lb in the first week by eating real chocolate!
  • Experience a transformation of a healthy lifestyle and a new relationship with yourself, your body and food beginning now.
  • Do the challenge at home, at work, online and at your own pace; you are in control.
  • If you don’t need to lose weight or want to put on weight, enjoy the healthy recipes higher in fats, and calories
  • Experience an abundance of energy and vitality!
  • Gain and maintain an unmovable respect and love for your self and body.
  • Take on the challenge with no detox symptoms, withdrawals or cravings!
  • You will have recipes you can make for life!
  • You will naturally lean towards healthy clean foods after the challenge – so don’t worry if your cravings get the better of you now!
  • You have cravings, instead of cravings having you!
  • You get to love, let go and be in a state of joy during the entire challenge – we allow you too! ;) You deserve to live in the health you have always wanted, or perhaps are unaware of what is possible!
  • Notice your body and face shape change!


All recipes are sugar free, gluten free, wheat free, preservative free, chemical free, artificial anything free!

For all ages, children to adults and elderly. It is never too late for health!

For the meat eater:

Recipes include Lime Salad with Sesame Chicken, Green Thai Curry, Salmon and Scallops with Garlic Herb Sauce, Honey Glazed Salmon, Chicken with Peanut Sauce, Buckwheat Pancakes with Egg Omelet, Caramel Prawns and more!!!
Sweet Meat Stirfry
Chicken Lettuce Wraps

For the vegetarian:

Recipes include Veggie Cashew Rice, Mexican Rice and Beans with Avocado, Roasted Sweet Potato Salad, Wedges with Avocado and Salsa, Veggie Patties, Buckwheat Pancakes with Maple Syrup, Apple Crumble and more!
Chickpea Curry
Sweet Potatoe Pie

For the vegan:

Recipes include Cookie Dough Balls, Avocado Sweet and Spicy Salad, Brazil Nut Truffle Balls, Chocolate Balls, Guacamole Sprout Salad, Breakfast Gumbo, Pesto Stuffed Mushrooms and more!
Raw Pizza
Raw Lasagne

For the rawist:

Recipes include Zucchini Pasta Pesto, Raw Pizza, Raw Ice Cream, Raw Brownies, Raw Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie, Raw Mousse, Raw Donuts, Curry Lentil Sprout Salad, Spaghetti and more!
Raw Cheesecake
Raw Tacos

For the fruitarian:

Recipes include Fruit Cups, Fruit Salads, Recipes with Avocado, Fruit Smoothies, Mousse, Fruit Soups, Ice Creams and more!
Fruit Cups

For the sweet lover:

Recipes include Raw Chocolate Ice Cream. Chocolate Balls, Chocolate Sauce, Cheesecake, Coconut Balls, Cinnamon Honey Rolls, Nut Chocolate Bark, Mint Chocolate Tart, Peanut Butter Cups and more!!!
Raw Chocolate Ice Cream
Raw Chooclate Balls

For more information or to register for The Earth diet Challenge go to www.TheEarthDiet.Org

It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.
- Mahatma Gandhi

What I ate today:

Meal 1:
A beet, carrot, celery, ginger, garlic, spinach and tomato juice. Probably the healthiest way to start to day ;)

Meal 2: Orange juice - fresh squeezed mmm!

Meal 3: 2 mandarins (clementines!)

Meal 4: An avocado.

Meal 5: Macadamia nuts.

Meal 6: Green salad! Created with avocado, baby spinach, green lettuce leafs, garlic, spring onion (shallots), coriander (cilantro), green chilli, cucumber and lime.

Meal 5: Raw Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie! mmm mmm mmm!

Recipe: All recipes will be published in The Earth Diet book and are available free on The Earth Diet website www.TheEarthDiet.Org

Exercise: A run to Big Al's Family Fitness - some more cardio - ab and core work, and a stretch in a sauna!

28 days to go!!!


  1. This looks quite interesting, but it looks like many of the recipes require a food dehydrator which I don't own and are quite time intensive. Plus - I travel internationally for business frequently. Any suggestions for how to make this work?

  2. Hey Marianne!

    With the recipes for each day there are 3 recipes to choose from for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The majority do not require a dehydrator - some do - but if you don't have one it is not necessary. I prefer not to use one my self and eat the food 100% raw.

    With international travel - you could make breakfast bars for example and keep them for a week in your bag and eat them as you go. Also you could stick with mono eating - simple foods and recipes with 2-3 ingredients. :) Hope this helps!

    Email if you have any other questions/suggestions!

    :) Liana
