Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 331

Photography by Roxana Ireland!

Thoughts: Words from Jinjee Talifero creator of The Garden Diet.

Pain! We're all in pain. Living in this world, the mess it's in, being human, the mess we are, all the trauma we've all experienced. Pain is part of the human emotional palette. It is one of the colors of our emotional rainbow. We're meant to feel it. It deepens us. And it actually increases our capacity for joy.

But we're taught from the start not to feel pain. Stop crying. Take this pill. Parents can't handle their own pain, so they certainly can't handle ours. We have to allow our children to feel their pain to be fully alive.

How do you deal with pain? I eat. My pain is all in my gut, where it doesn't belong, instead of in my heart, where it does belong.

Can we open our hearts to the pain? Can we embrace the beauty of our pain? Can we just allow ourselves to FEEL it? To "Be" with it? I think that's all we have to do, to deal with it, is to just be with it for a while. Not wallow in it. But let it tell us its messages, listen to it, and then more easily let it go.

Sometimes health and happiness are indistinguishable. I'm feeling so healthy I'm happy, and so happy I'm healthy. And the two feelings together are so mutually stimulating. -- that they feel like "life" itself! The total bliss set off thereby is better than even being in love! Because it is being in love with life! Life is always in love with us. But through health and happiness, you can fall in love with life too! And that's a great affair!

Raw Forgiveness

Holding on to hurt, resentment, anger, and pain rather than forgiving is something that is very detrimental to our health.

Source: Jinjee Talifero

Quotes: And then suddenly, I ate too much.

What I Ate Today:

Meal 1: A beet, carrot, celery, ginger and garlic juice.

Meal 2: Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls! Created with cacao, agave, peanuts and almonds.

Meal 3: An avocado.

Meal 4: 3 clementines.

Meal 5: 3 succulent scallops, grilled, on a bed of raw grated carrot with ginger, mint, garlic and olive oi. At a French restaurant in Babylon :)

Meal 6: Some macadamia nuts and a nectarine :)

Recipe: Free recipes are available free on The Earth Diet website www.TheEarthDiet.Org

Exercise: A walk around Babylon and Amityville! :)

34 days to go!!!

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