Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 324

Thoughts: Which one sounds like you;

"No matter how hard I try I can't lose weight and be healthy"
"I can eat whatever I like and don't put on weight"

Each one of these beliefs will create quite different experiences. What we believe about ourselves and about life becomes true for us. These are the wise words of the beautiful extraordinary being Louise Hay.

Life is Really Very Simple. What We Give Out, We Get Back

What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us. I believe that everyone, myself included, is responsible for everything in our lives, the best and the worst. Every thought we think is creating our future. Each one of us creates our experiences by our thoughts and our feelings. The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences.

We create the situations, and then we give our power away by blaming the other person for our frustration. No person, no place, and no thing has any power over us, for "we" are the only thinkers in it. When we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives.

The Universe Totally Supports Us in Every Thought We Choose to Think and Believe

Put another way, our subconscious mind accepts whatever we choose to believe. They both mean that what I believe about myself and about life becomes true for me. What you choose to think about yourself and about life becomes true for you. And we have unlimited choices about what we can think.

When we know this, then it makes sense to choose "Everyone is always helpful," rather than "People are out to get me."

The Universal Power Never Judges or Criticizes Us

It only accepts us at our own value. Then it reflects our beliefs in our lives. If I want to believe that life is lonely and that nobody loves me, then that is what I will find in my world.

However, if I am willing to release that belief and to affirm for myself that "Love is everywhere, and I am loving and lovable," and to hold on to that new affirmation and to repeat it often, then it will become true for me. Now, loving people will come into my life, the people already in my life will become more loving to me, and I will find myself easily expressing love to others.

Most of Us Have Foolish Ideas about Who We Are and Many, Many Rigid Rules about How Life Ought to Be Lived

This is not to condemn us, for each of us is doing the very best we can at this very moment. If we knew better, if we had more understanding and awareness, then we would do it differently. Please don't put yourself down for being where you are.

"Men don't cry!" "Women can't handle money!" What limiting ideas to live with.

"You are wonderful." "I love you." How often do you tell yourself this?

This blog thanks to the wonderful Liz Graydon!

Quotes: "The Thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences." Louise Hay

What I Ate Today:

Meal 1: A grapefruit and orange juice.

Meal 2: An avocado.

Meal 3: 4 nectarines.

Meal 4: Some brazil nuts.

Meal 5: Green Salad. Created with avocado, baby spinach, green lettuce leafs, garlic, spring onion (shallots), coriander (cilantro), green chilli, cucumber and lime.

Meal 6: Chocolate Fruit and Almond Bark. Created with coconut butter, cacao butter, cacao paste, cacao powder, maple syrup, agave nectar, honey, hazelnut extract, vanilla extract, sunflower lecithin, raisins, dried cherries, coconut, almonds and walnuts!

Recipe: Green Salad and Chocolate Fruit and Almond Bark are available free on The Earth Diet website www.TheEarthDiet.Org

Exercise: A 40 minute workout at Big Al's Family Fitness! Worked on cardio and abs :)

41 days to go!!!

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