Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 270

Thoughts: Vegetable Protein Percentage Chart - 2010

Vegetables %
Spinach 49
New Zealand Spinach 47
Watercress 46
Kale 45
Broccoli 45
Brussel Sprouts 44
Turnip Greens 43
Collards 43
Cauliflower 40
Mustard Greens 39
Mushrooms 38
Chinese Cabbage 34
Parsley 34
Lettuce 34
Green peas 30
Zucchini 28
Green beans 26
Cucumbers 24
Dandelion Greens 24
Green Pepper 22
Artichokes 22
Cabbage 22
Celery 21
Eggplant 21
Tomatoes 18
Onions 16
Beets 15
Pumpkin 12
Potatoes 11
Yams 8
Sweet Potatoes 6

Legumes %

Soybean sprouts 54
Mungbean sprouts 43
Soybean curd (tofu) 43
Soy flour 35
Soybeans 35
Broad beans 32
Lentils 29
Split peas 28
Kidney beans 26
Navy beans 26
Lima beans 26
Garbanzo beans 23

Fruits %
Avocados 25
Lemons 16
Honeydew melon 10
Rockmelon (cantaloupe) 9
Strawberry 8
Orange 8
Blackberry 8
Cherry 8
Apricot 8
Grape 8
Watermelon 8
Tangerine 7
Papaya 6
Peach 6
Pear 5
Banana 5
Grapefruit 5
Pineapple 3
Apple 1

Nuts and Seeds %

Pumpkin seeds 21
Sunflower seeds 17
Walnuts, black 13
Sesame seeds 13
Almonds 12
Cashews 12

Grains %
Wheat germ 31
Rye 20
Wheat, hard red 17
Wild rice 16
Buckwheat 15
Oats (oatmeal) 15
Millet 12
Barley 11
Brown Rice 8

Date obtained from the Nutritional Value of American Foods in Common Units USDA Agriculture Handbook No 456.

Vegetables have more protein than nuts, seeds, or grains!

Victoria Boutenko describes in her award-winning book "Green For Life" how and why dark leafy greens have the most digestible and assimilable proteins available to humankind. They are also the best source of minerals and calcium. And Kale is the most nutrient dense food measured by Agreggate Nutrient Density, or the most nutrients per calorie.

Here are two recipes from The Garden Diet to get your Greens for life!

Green Juice

Juice in vegetable juicer:
- 1 bunch kale
- 2 cucumbers
- 4 stalks (not bunches) celery
- 2 apples (including the peel and the core)
- 1 lemon (including the peel)

(Serves 1)

Green Smoothie

- 1 banana
- 1 peeled orange
- 1/2 bunch kale
- 1/2 bunch romaine lettuce
- 16 ounces orange juice

...Blend all in blender on high until totally liquefied.

(Serves 1)

Challenges: Enjoy yourself. It's later than you think. - Chinese Proverb

Triumphs: The greatest wealth is health. - Virgil

What I Ate Today:

Food fest 1: A cucumber, green apple and ginger juice.

Food fest 2: Creamy Coconut Balls! Yum! Created from honey, lemon, cashew nuts, coconut, oats, and vanilla!

Food fest 3: A avocado.

Food fest 4: Aussie Prawns!(Shrimp) Created with prawns, orange, parsley, basil, cummin garlic and rice :)

Food fest 5:
Some cherries.

Recipe: The recipe for Aussie Prawns (Shrimp) and Creamy Coconut Balls are available on The Earth Diet website www.TheEarthDiet.org

Exercise: A one hour workout at Big Al's Family Fitness on legs :) Ohh yeah feeling the burn ;)

95 days to go!!!

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