Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 77

Thoughts: My body has been craving salads and nuts and avocado and cocoa. I said to Steph "I have been eating too many nuts lately" and she shared "Let you body naturally crave those foods. Some days I love eating nuts, other days I don't feel like them". And what I got was that if my body is craving fruits or vegetables or nuts, it's craving the goodness, the nutrients from that particular food. Steph said "Some days I wake up and just feel like eating mangoes". And it's a good thing right, because it's not like my body is craving chemicals. If you crave chips, or chocolate or lollies, anything with artificalness, it's the chemicals you are craving. Do you have a chemical addiction? I honestly never thought it was possible to not crave chocolate and lollies, and take away foods and chips, and now I crave fruits and vegetables and salads and eggplant and avocado and nectarines! hehe! The more foods you eat directly from nature, the more you will flush the chemicals out of your body.

Challenges: Forgetting how far I have come and thinking "Oh I'm eating too many nuts". It used to be "I can't stop bingeing on red frogs and chocolate peanut clusters". Eating "too many nuts" seems like a good problem to have now, you know like it's a problem worthy of me.

Triumphs: Day this is going to fast! It feels like I was on day 30 not long ago!

What I Ate Today:

Breakfast: 2 nectarines, macadmia nuts

Lunch: a beetroot, carrot, celery, ginger, pineapple juice.

Dinner: mmmm a beautiful vegetable feast...zuchinni, garlic, onion, beans, brocoli, tomato with fresh thyme and basil!!!

Dessert: chocolate balls!

Snacks: a nectarine and grapes and

Recipe: Fry zuchinni and garlic in olive oil. Add the rest of the chopped vegetables and herbs to the fry pan, put a lid on and steam them. MMMMM!

Exercise: In the morning Steph and I went for a long sweaty run on the beach and then a swim in the ocean mmm mmm the ultimate reward of the cool lush waves! Then at night we went for a "fun" run...hehe my fun run consists of cartwheels, jumps, sideruns, spinning in circles in run, power walking, star jumps, anything goes! And then we jumped in the ocean and I was feeling like a warrior-ess in my Northcliffe surf life saving swim suit (yes I am training to be a life guard woo wooo) so I dived in and ran out in the deep and then jellyfish wrapped their tenticles around Steph and I so we ran/swam as fast as we could back into shore with tingling body parts! Ahhhh! What a work out day :) Always up for something new! Hehe!

289 Days To Go!!!

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