Friday, September 18, 2015

Shoot for Your Best Health or be Unfulfilled

In this life we should shoot for our best health achievable to each individual - otherwise we will never be satisfied and will live with guilt, shame and regret. That sounds terrible I know but that is the reality of many people who live unsatisfied stuck in a rut of eating unfulfilling foods that provide no nutrition to the body at all. We know at a deeper level when we eat foods that are processed and devoid of proper nourishment that something isn't quite right. Junk foods rarely give us lasting fulfillment. The only time when junk foods give us fulfillment is if you live with a great balance of health being immaculate majority of the time and letting junk food pass right through you. However most people when they eat junk food know deep down that they are not doing enough on a daily basis to take care of their health, and hence guilt attaches itself to every junk food binge. I am grateful that I broke a strong addiction to junk foods - a vicious cycle that I was stuck in for 5 years. It ruled my life and now I am completely free of it. I may have other stressors in my life, but health, food and eating is not one of them. When the body is nourished & energized it makes every other issue in life much easier to get through and handled.  

I had lots of space to reflect during the Bumbershoot festival in Seattle.

Ever wondered why it's so easy to over eat on candy, chocolate, chips, breads etc? When those foods hit the stomach and digestive system, they send a signal to the brain 'didn't get nutrition, still hungry, send more food please.' Hence we can overeat on junk foods wondering how on earth did I manage to consume all that? And see its impossible to binge on a bowl full of carrots or broccoli pieces - because our body stops eating when it gets all the nutrition we need. 

Many of us have accepted a certain level of suffering and live with it until it gets worse and worse, until it blows up in our face one day. Which is what happened to me after binge eating on junk foods everyday for 5 years and I landed in hospital when my lymphatic system exploded with a tumor. My body forced me to break down and surrender to change. I was once obsessed with being "skinny" and as I sat in hospital hearing these depressing results at age 21 my entire world shifted and my priority became - I would achieve consistent health. Forget wanting to lose weight, I just want to FEEL good. And I wanted to not just feel good a little bit, I wanted to feel good majority of my time. Someway some how I would break the addiction to junk food and over eating and I would achieve a harmony of health, so that I felt healthy from moment to moment to moment. At this point I didn't care what weight I was - my health was taken away from me and all I wanted was to feel good in my body again. My goal changed, and I realized that for the rest of my life I would shoot for the best health I could possibly achieve.

I was sick and tired of being unfulfilled and sick of suffering so much which is why I declared to myself that I would eat only foods from the earth for 365 days and call it a blog "The Earth Diet" and here we are. I knew I would travel, study, work and go here and there - yet I was committed that wherever I was in the world I would stick to it - I would stay on course and eat only natural foods, and focus on what nature provided me. That one year did me good, it detoxed my body, cleaned my system of excess toxins, boosted my immune system and healed my body; the tumor dissolved. 

Years later I am still traveling the world sharing my story of transformation and assisting others in achieving the same. Last weekend I had the opportunity of attending Bumbershoot music festival at the Seattle space needle! When I heard on the radio what bands were playing I got so excited... The Weeknd, Ellie Goulding, Zedd, Hozier, Flying Lotus, Ben Harper, Bassnectar, Cake... Just to name a few. In fact I since learned that 89 bands played over the 3 days during Labor Day Weekend. Aside from music there was also comedy, film, performing arts, dance, spectacles theatre, visual art, a youngershoot playground, a laser dome, I words & ideas! They also had a silent disco - one of my favorites! A main sponsor for the event was the Center for Infectcious Disease Research "Spreading HOPE to find s CURE." I wrote an article years ago on the possibilities of curing cancer, and received some negative attacks of people saying I was giving people false hope. The thing is hope is a positive emotion that moves people towards healing, whereas a negative emotion felt over a long period of time will lead to dis-ease. 

Every week on my radio show - Wednesday's at 6pm EST - I encourage people to tap into their inner wisdom and move forward the best they can. 

To get un-stuck always just show up, keep moving and do your very best! 

Bumbershoot kicked off on Saturday night which was The Weeknd and Cake! 

just love his song "I can't feel my face when I'm with you, but I love it." When you get that feeling from being around someone, embrace them! What a great feeling! You know that saying "Love the ones your with." 

Photo by Dave Lichterman 

I grew up listening to Cake - not really by choice haha - my parents played it a lot which im now really thankful for, especially at night when we were sleeping so it somehow seeped into my subconscious so now I know all the words to their original songs! 

Photo by Dave Lichterman

After arriving you get schedule and map of the entire event. The very first thing on the list of "What can we bring into Bumbershoot?" 
1. A smile and positive attitude 

And the first point on the "Sorry, you can't bring" list: 
1. A grumpy attitude 

This was not a place to be dwelling on anything other than being in the present moment!! 

The vibes were high and everyone was having a great time - aware that this was probably the most epic festival of the year for Washington State! 

I happened to be in Seattle during this time for assisting the launch of TigerNuts (Organic Gemini) into Washington State! This is the first year I've visited Washington State and it is really booming with life, nature, organic and greenery. It is known as the Evergreen State! It's an honor to travel around the state and educate people on the newest superfood on the market: TIGERNUTS!! My favorite fact about them is they have the same amount of iron as red meat! Which makes TigerNuts an excellent festival superfood snack! 

At Bumbershoot on Sunday I checked out the food options! Extremely important to nourish ourselves especially at a high energy event like Bumbershoot! 

I was so happy when I spotted.... Chipotle!!! What an awesome go-to healthier upgrade fast food for protein and fresh vegetables! From farm to foil... 

Other "cleaner" options included... 

And chocolate lovers your all set! Plenty of organic handmade raw and even vegan chocolate! Blissful wunders...

Monday night was Ellie Goulding night! She posted earlier that day on Instagram... Cake at Flora a veggie cafe in Seattle! A must check out for people wanting to have their cake and eat it too! Getting nutrition from your cake as well as pleasure = winning! 

Ellie Goulding is a vegan and regularly promotes a plant based lifestyle on her social media and interviews. 

The excited crowd waiting for Ellie Goulding...

Ellie represents health, growth and possibility... 

Young women especially love Ellie Goulding and inspired by the messages in her music... Especially her "Anything Can Happen" song!!

Ellie is an example of someone who is living a full life and shining her light... 

Blasting light on stage with the Majestic Seattle Space Needle background! 
BUMBERSHOOT is truly epic.

Monday I also got to check out the booths! So many incredible options for us to spend our energy (money) on services and people who are creating positive life giving products. A highlight booth for me was Lauren Harkness...

I was drawn to the soothing, empowering and beautiful energy of the handmade pieces by Lauren Harkness. This neck piece in particular! I was so excited to meet the founders, and Lauren and I even named this piece "I AM HEALED" which is a significant affirmation behind a neck piece as much of our communication and empowerment comes from our neck/throat/voice. When I healed the tumor in my neck I approached it from all angles of mind, body and spirit. Every time I wear this piece I will remember the affirmation "I am healed" and be grateful for where I am at with my health. I never want to take my health for granted again. Each one of their pieces represents an affirmation which has power when you wear them. 

Lauren Harkness is handmade luxury - jewelry pieces made with love designed to empower the one wearing it. Lauren describes it as "power symbols". For more story and to get some for yourself check out 

The creator Lauren Harkness says... “For me, making jewelry feels like a dialogue about beauty with women. I love adorning women and seeing their face light up when they put a stunning piece of jewelry on their body. Making things with my hands, creating forms of beauty is a compulsion. It feeds my soul.”
Lauren Harkness-Hand Made Luxury is about jewelry as power symbols. A great piece of jewelry can make an outfit, and it will also do MORE than that. You can look at your “Desire Ring” at a party and tap into your feminine power. You can put on a “Dahlia Necklace” and know that you are safe, protected, and sensual.
Great jewelry ties you to a memory and a place. It will remind you of health, wealth, attraction, and the best that life has to offer.

Jewelry made with PINECONES!!!

A Little Sun!

There was also plenty to explore for the kids! Also adult friendly playground to tap into the inner adventurer! 

Later that evening I had a huge organic feast! Sweet potato fries, and organic burger with organic kethcup & Justin's Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups. Special thanks to you Blake. 

Organic food keeps the body in a happy place!

What kind of health are you shooting for? What do you really want to feel? What do you want to experience? Don't die with your music still in you - as Wayne Dyer would say.

Special thanks to Mikhael Mei. 

Remember you can be healthy anywhere, anytime, it's just a choice; an inward decision to always shoot for the healthiest possible choices. 

Love Liana 

P.S Thank you to my new friends who gave me your belt - that was kind - but then we lost each other in the Chance The Rapper crowd. 

If you really want to transform your health and live your healthiest life possible, try the Earth Diet for 365 days! And I'll see you next year at Bumbershoot to celebrate! 😝

Sublime Health

Meaning of Sublime: of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe.
Verb: elevate to a high degree of moral or spiritual purity or excellence.

The Earth Diet gives us access to achieving a high degree of spiritual purity as we treat the mind, body and soul. What does excellent health mean to you? To me it means achieving and then maintaing consistent health. Not the yo-yo binge cycle. I was trapped in a vicious cycle of addiction to junk foods for 5 years and it sucked; suffering is not fun. The best thing is we can end that destructive cycle in every moment, it may take 1,000 recommitment's but it's important to know it's possible. It starts with the awareness of focusing on what Earth provides naturally. 

Now that I have transformed my health, I am able to achieve health wherever I visit and travel too. There are healthy options everywhere when we are open to them. I was excited to hear that Sublime (American reggae/punk/ska band from Long Beach CA) were playing at a music festival at Marymoor in Washington State, where I happened to be on tour launching TigerNuts into WA and Oregon! 

When I found out that I would be attending the festival I called my go-to superfoods source Nutiva, and organized an epic superfood package to be sent to Sublime and Rome! It's important people nourish their bodies while on the road, especially musicians who are using a lot of energy and brain power. So Nutiva sent them coconut oil, hemp seeds and chia seeds. These are excellent healthy "fast foods" and I literally eat chia and hemp seeds by the spoonful! 

Chia Seeds an excellent source of protein and nourishes the digestive system. Good to heal and treat IBS,  bloating and other digestive issues. 

A clean plant based protein that is easily digestible! Same amount of protein as red meat.

Use coupon code: earthdiet when shopping at for 10% discount! 

I first met Sublime in 2012 at the Hemp Heals Music Festival in Philliy. This festival raised awareness on the benefits of hemp, and I'm not talking about the drug THC, but the plant that is sustainable as it produces multiple uses, one of them being clothing and another being one of the most nutrient rich high plant based protein we can digest! Here I am on stage with Christina Cooks (Christina Pirello) getting the audience pumped up about hemp! 

This year I was excited to meet them and here is Rome happy holding his Nutiva hemp seeds!

I wasn't sure of the healthy options at the festival, so googled to find out that Chipotle and Wholefoods were close by! I took my friend to them for the first time - it's always exciting to be in the presence of someone who is exploring these places for the first time. We had an epic wrap from Chipotle, and then visited Wholefoods for some goodies. I am so happy that TigerNuts have launched into all the Wholefood markets in WA! I got myself a Horchata - strawberry flavor! So delicious and refreshing. Many health benefits too including pre-biotic; great for gut health, and same amount of iron as red meat! 

I was so happy to see this Wholefoods carries The Earth Diet book, and had great placement top and center. I dedicated this book to "Everyone who want's to live a healthier life." And it's really for people who want to break addictions, make upgrades and even totally transform your life. 

We also grabbed a beet juice! Which makes a great mixer btw if you want to add potato vodka or tequila - the "cleanest spirits". May as well get some antioxidants while you drink alcohol. 
The Buddha Bruddah food truck was also there, which smelled of delicious fresh curry, pad thai and noodles. A healthier upgrade. 

I love being able to enjoy great music, while being immersed in the great outdoors, especially being able to pick a cosy spot on the ground - which is well quite grounding! Grounding is especially good for those of us who spend a lot of time inside, on the phone, computer or surrounded by 4 walls. Being in nature more has many benefits. 

It rained but Sublime played on. Dancing in the rain was refreshing. 

When I got home I enjoyed a nourishing TigerNut milk (dairy free & nut free). 

Love yourself enough to nourish your body everywhere! 

Love Liana