Thursday, August 13, 2015

Enjoying the Great Outdoors at Summer Meltdown Festival

5 benefits to embracing the great outdoors: 

1. We breathe in fresh new oxygen. 
2. Nature is so vibrant we can't help but feel energized.
3. It is extremely relaxing.
4. We get grounded which rejuvenates.
5. Stress melts away...

This past weekend I got to attend the Summer Meltdown Festival in Darrington, Washington State! This gathering appealed to me for many reasons including that it's a 4 night outdoor concert with a camping opportunity!

My weekend started with breakfast in bed, and this particular Saturday cream! But of course not just any ice cream, this Chocolate coconut milk ice cream by "So Delicious". I write in my book The Earth Diet "Don't get out of bed in the morning unless you are excited about what you get to eat during the day." Plus I include a guide on How-To-Eat-Desserts-Everyday. When we can enjoy both pleasure and nourishment at the same time we are having our cake and eating it too! Poisoning the body with junk food for pleasure is so last century!

My festival makeup consisted of minerals (Ann Marie) that you mix with organic oil for a nice foundation that includes some sun protection. It's very light and literally wearing earth on the face! No point clogging the skin with toxic skincare.

Next was a trip to Marlene's Market for my daily juice! This is the "Green Giant" and I nourished my cells with broccoli, celery, apple, parsley and kale.

Now that my daily base level of nutrition is taken care of...

Got some car snacks! Ultimate road trip wrap today: spinach wrap with organic turkey meatballs and kettle chips (NON-GMO!). Love this combination!

On arriving I was in awe of the campsite and stunning giant trees!

Here is a view from where we set up tent - photo by Laura Beeman.

I came equipped with my favorite organic snacks! The Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup bar by vega mmmm!

And this That's It bar - just 2 ingredients - no preservatives. An epic fruit bar! The ultimate festival and camping food.

This was the boundary at our camp! Photo by Laura Beeman.

Now that I was well immersed in nature I decided to walk around barefoot! What an amazing opportunity to enjoy nature without shoes... and without being judged! 

Explored the camp grounds and saw a lot of bright colors and positive energy... ENJOY THE JOY... couldn't be more right! 

You know I got excited when I saw this organic raw and local smoothie station! 

There was actually a lot of awesome clean and healthy options for eating! Phew - healthy is getting easier and easier as it becomes more accessible. A music festival is not as fun if we cannot nourish our body properly! 

Surrounded by beauty, positivity, healthy activities and love.... 

Photo by Megan Kathleen
Photo by Megan Kathleen
Photo by Ponce De Leon

There are positive messages everywhere when we look for it! "I believe in God. I believe in love."

Free hugs for everyone too!

The music was enjoyable too! 

People also enjoyed hanging out in the river by day. "Play is essential. It's what we do best." Photos by Kenneth Kearney.

Photo by Ponce De Leon

Was grateful to spend quiet time relaxing alone in the hammock too!

So much beauty... 
Photo by Megan Kathleen

Photo by Ponce De Leon 

Photo by Kenneth Kearney
Photo by Mike Emigh

Photo by Kenneth Kearney
Photo by Kenneth Kearnery
Photo by Patricia Lockerman
Photo by Ponce De Leon

By night I got myself one of these handmade alpaca sweaters! Absolutely divine. And could not believe that something handmade and so beautiful was $34.95.

The next morning I started the day with an Earl Grey Tea and Green Smoothie! 

Enjoy the great outdoors and nourish your body, mind and spirit!

Love Liana