Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 70 - shooting Backwater!

A screen shot of co-star Justin Tully and I in "Backwater" :)
Here is a blog journal of the 70th Day on my Customized Health Programs put together by some of The Earth Diet team.

The programs I am currently taking are for Eating and Exercise!

This is what my week (Saturday 4th - today Thursday 9th) has looked like for the past week while shooting Backwater!

Director of "Backwater" Christopher Schrack!
Eating Program: 
Mornings: Usually water with lemon or mint tea. Fresh berries; Strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. Organic Granola ingredients: oats, quinoa, spelt, kamut, almonds and vanilla.
Snacks throughout the day: Berries, cherries, granola bar with organic peanut butter (ingredients roasted peanuts), almond butter, raw chocolate.
Dinner: We have been eating wild salmon, vegetables, fruits, rice, lentils, turkey, shrimp/prawns, salads mmm divine nourishment :) !!!

Today we went to THE Bagel place (mandatory hehe) and I had an 'everything bagel' with avocado and egg.

*My program was created to be majority raw, some cooked foods, incorporating meats and vegan meals, juices, cleansing teas/meals/drinks and desserts. All meals use only ingredients that are provided by the earth naturally. When you complete the questionnaire online you can also create it how you want it to be. 

Exercise Program by Patrick:
Being on set is a workout in it's self ;) In the mornings I stretch and do some breathing and yoga :) Today Justin and I went for a run in the glorious heat hehe :)

Whats NEW:
  • The Earth Diet line is now available at Organic Corner in Massepequa in Long Island, New York! Everything is raw, organic and vegan including the epic Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups made from cacao, cacao butter, agave, almonds and peanuts!!!
  • Have you checked out Sarah Mae's latest video diaries of her experience on The Earth Diet? See here if you like...
  • The next class I'm teaching at OC will be on Saturday 25th June 9am-10:30am. We are doing Sweet & Spicy Wraps and Cheesecake.
  • The next RAW food class I'm leading in Huntington at The Water Well will be on Tuesday the 28th of June 7-9pm, we are doing Lasagana then Ice Cream :)
Sarah Mae - check out the blog AND video diaries of her experience on TED!
Inspiration:  Loving these this week:
  • 'He who has a why to live can deal with almost any how'. My trainer Patrick (Check out his new website told me this one ;) Not sure who it's by... 
  • The discipline that we would like you to exercise is to make a decision that nothing is more important than that you feel good, and that you are going to find thoughts that feel better. Your cork floating is the only thing that is worthy of discipline. --- Abraham
  • A classic by Grabielle 'Dreams Can Come True'

With love, Liana :)
For free recipes visit:  

To create your own Customized Health Programs with one of our team members visit: 

Friday, June 3, 2011

Day 64

Raw Desserts/Power Food snacks! Part of The Earth Diet food line :)
Here is a blog journal of the 64th Day on my Customized Health Programs put together by some of The Earth Diet team.

The programs I am currently taking are for Eating, Exercise and Hypnosis

This is what my day looked like - Friday 3rd of June 2011.

Eating Program: 
Morning: Green juice; green apple, cucumber, celery and ginger :)
First meal: A organic nectarine (so happy it's nectarine season again!)
Next meal: Macadamia nuts
Next meal: Some of my friends birthday present hehe! They are raw desserts I made, part of The Earth Diet line now available at Organic Corner!
A mint tea with mint from my garden :)
Next meal: Rice & Beans with yucca and avocado! Ingredients: White rice, red beans, onion, garlic, coriander/cilantro himalayan salt, yucca, avocado :)
Next meal: Raw Almond Butter
Another mint tea (great for refreshing the body and digestion)

Today 5 meals were entirely raw, and one meal entirely cooked :)

*My program was created to be majority raw, some cooked foods, incorporating meats and vegan meals, juices, cleansing teas/meals/drinks and desserts. All meals use only ingredients that are provided by the earth naturally. When you complete the questionnaire online you can also create it how you want it to be. 

Exercise Program by Patrick:
Walking 40 minutes in the sunshine from Organic Corner to home :)

Hypnosis Program by Paul Nguyen:
20 minutes listening to my customized 'Weight Management'

Whats NEW:
  • The next class I'm teaching at OC will be on Saturday 25th June 9am-10:30am. We are doing Sweet & Spicy Wraps and Cheesecake.
  • The next RAW food class I'm leading in Huntington at The Water Well will be on Tuesday the 28th of June 7-9pm, we are doing Lasagana then Ice Cream :)
  • Reading the script for Backwater today... 2 days til shooting! :)
The one factor that has been unknown by most humans, that is understood by the beasts, is that Well-being truly does abound; and that you are blessed beings who live in an atmosphere of grace; and that unless you are doing something to pinch off the Well-being, it will be yours. Look for the evidence of the Well-being, and be an advocate for Well-being rather than an advocate for getting rid of what does not feel like Well-being. Then little by little by little, your own personal experience begins to take shape in a way that is more satisfying to you. --- Abraham
With love, Liana :)
For free recipes visit:  

To create your own Customized Health Programs with one of our team members visit: